Recommendation: Mael Mordha - Cluain Tarb


Old Fart
Jul 24, 2001
The Woodlands
I had actually planned on doing a different band for my recommendation, but I figured I'd pick something different than what most of you probably expected (some third rate Graveland clone or Arcane Sun).

I actually just received the Mael Mordha CD a week or so ago. And after fruitlessly searching for their many demos for a year I was glad to finally have something from the band, other than the one track I have on a compilation.

So here is my recommendation for the Royal Carnage forum. I give you Mael Mordha' debut album, Cluain Tarb, released on Karmageddon Media in 2005.


1. An Tus
2. Winds of One Thousand Winters
3. The Serpent and the Black Lake
4. Cluain Tarb
5. I am the Wench's Bane
6. The Man All Hate to Love
7. Pauper of Souls
8. Realms of Insanity

First and foremost, this is doom. Gaelic doom. Closer to true doom and heavy metal than doom/death. The vocals are clean (for the most part) and easy to understand. The band adds exceptionally played piano pieces into the songs as well as a tin whistle every so often. The focus on Irish history, heritage, and mourning.

Fans of Candlemass, Solstice, epic heavy metal and Primordial's The Gathering Wilderness should enjoy this very much. Some members come from the defunct band, Karnayna, which semi-morphed into Old Season (if this is wrong, Paul Scald can correct me).

Plus, you know these guys are cool since they where Braveheart warpaint at their live shows.



I hope at least one of you checks this band out.
"Good" but the songs kinda sound the same. Their music lacks inspiration and variety. I enjoyed all the parts that had flutes, but the others sound generic. And yes they do indeed remind of Candlemass in some parts, and Old Season.
This is WAY too much on the Braveheart side for me. I'm not really into the flutes and lyrics about battles and kings and such.

I like the sound they have on the guitars, though. I'm just not into the epic battles and stuff.
Just a little side note about Mael Mordha...

Gerry Clince, one of the guitarists for Mael Mordha, also plays in PRIMORDIAL when one of the regular PRIMORDIAL guitarists cannot play a show. Gerry filled in for Mick at the HEATHEN CRUSADE when Mick was not able to make it over.
MadeInNewJersey said:
I'll be checking this out shortly.

But J., what do you use to rip? 128kbs? What's up with that duder? And no tagging at all (i.e. song titles, album title, track numbers, etc.). BOOO!!!!

128kbs is all that's needed. There's barely a difference between that and 192kbs. I say either rip at 128kbs or listen to the CD if you want better quality.
Not true.

192kbs is the MINIMUM acceptable IMO, and most other people's here. I mean, for these threads, I suppose it doesn't matter. But if you want people to listen to non-warbly, non-shitty MP3s then I'd post at a better bitrate.

I can't very well listen to the goddamned CD if I don't have it, now can I? Thus, the whole friggin' POINT of a recommendation thread. Nate, don't make me kick your ass.
MadeInNewJersey said:
Not true.

192kbs is the MINIMUM acceptable IMO, and most other people's here. I mean, for these threads, I suppose it doesn't matter. But if you want people to listen to non-warbly, non-shitty MP3s then I'd post at a better bitrate.

I can't very well listen to the goddamned CD if I don't have it, now can I? Thus, the whole friggin' POINT of a recommendation thread. Nate, don't make me kick your ass.

I really enjoyed these songs, the second track posted was very good. The vocals are very strong, and some well placed flutes/piano are a nice touch.
I use 128 to save space and because I rarely listen to my albums in full on the computer, one reason because my laptop's tiny speakers are no match for the stereo anyway, somewhat negating the decrease in quality in issue.
As for the recommendation, Pauper of Souls is good shit...I'm sure (wait for it) Nemtheanga would approve.
The difference in SIZE between 128 and 192 is less than 1 MB. I can't imagine THAT makes much of a difference.

However, the SOUND through headphones on ANY MP3 player (the only reason I download MP3s at all), is pretty dramatically different.
The vocals remind me of Jason from Akercocke's clean voice...really fuckin' heavy guitar sound, too. I'm digging the piano accompaniment - really quite atmospheric. I like the fact that they don't seem to go all sloppy when they speed up a bit. Generally, this is great. Nice recommendation!