Magna Carta

Seventh Son

Zero Salvation
Apr 16, 2001
Sydney, Australia
Last week I was chosen to help spread the word about Magna Carta records. So from now on I will be starting to post news and reviews of Magna Carta cds. These reviews will most likely come 1~2 before the album release date so I can give you a good idea of what the album is like.

So of there recent releases the standouts include: Mullmuzzler 2, Leonardo: The Absolute Man.

These are both worth checking out.
Shadow Gallery's "Carved in Stone" is one of my all-time faves, but I really can't get into "Tyranny". Haven't heard the new one, though.

Mullmuzzler 2 is brilliant, as long as I skip the first track each time I listen to the CD :)
Spruce: Feeding The Wheel is set to be released on the 23/10/01. This one sounds awesome - the ultimate line up. (Rudess, Petrucci, Sheehan, Morse, Bozzio and others)
The two Steve Morse albums are tentatively sheduled for:
Steve Morse: Major Impacts 2  - 10/23/02
Steve Morse Band: Split Decision - 2/24/02

The latest Shadow Gallery "Legacy" rocks. I'm working on an in depth review at the moment, hope to post that and a few others very shortly. In short though, Legacy is more like Carved in Stone. The mix is alot better this time round (finally the guitars have grunt.)

Spiff: I to skip the first track too. Its not that is bad its just that I rather listen to the others a little better. The 2 shadow gallery written songs are awesome.
7th, have you heard "Age of Impact" by Explorers Club? It's the brainchild of Trent Gardner from Magellan, and except for a few shining moments I think it's a lot of hooey.

I ask because Gardner co-wrote the first track on Mullmuzzler 2 (Afterlife), and I don't think the fact that he had a major hand in two things I don't care much for is a coincidence :)

A few years ago I would have loved to have been given the task of listening to and spreading the word about Magna Carta releases, but I've found that quite a bit of their stuff isn't too crash hot. Maybe it's changed since then, though (this was in 1996-97) - and don't ask for examples, because I can't think of any... except Cairo - urgh!
ok... I'm going to form the official Explorers Club fanclub!!
I love it! Admitedly, it took a while to get into, but it is so awesome now. The first track sails along nicely, but it is the secone that steals the show. Nice and slow, but John Petrucci's solo is unbelievable!!

As for the comments about Magna Carta bringing out some so-so albums....... I'm sure that not every album they have released has been superb, but shit man... look at what they have bought out so far, with loads more to come!!
2 Mullmuzzler cd's, Leonardo, 2 LTE (need I say more), Bozzio, Levin, Stevens, Shadow Gallery's albums, Steve Morse solo albums, Jordan Rudess album, Planet X and Derek Sherinian albums..... and that is just half of the awesome shit they have!!

Liquid Tension Exp is worth the label alone!!
Is there a progressive rock band that doesnt have one of the members in Dream Theater in it? :)
When do those guys sleep???
Explorers Club is good but the soloing makes the album. In case you guys didn't know Trent Gardner is working on a second Explorers Club album.

Heres what I know so far:
Trent Gardner is working on material for a new Explorers Club project. So far special guests include drummer Terry Bozzio and Dream Theater bassist John Myung. Terry Brown will be mixing the album. The album is to be titled "Raising The Mammoth". Also Gary Wehrkamp (from Shadow Gallery) played rythum guitar on some tracks.

At the momment the release is scheduled for 3/18/02.

I think, however, the crowning glory in Magna Carta's stable is Ice Age. Its like a cross between Rush and DT. The band is full of extreme talent.
Another small update: (actually from )

Mike Baker and Gary Wehrkamp have completed their contributions to the soon to be released Magna Carta CD "The December People - Sounds Like Christmas." This CD will feature various Christmas songs performed in various progressive Rock varieties. Mike Baker performs on 2 songs this CD as well as Gary contributing vocals to 1 song and handling the engineering of their contribution. Mike sings on the songs: "Happy Christmas/War Is Over" and "Twas The Night Before Christmas." Gary joins Mike and others on "Happy Christmas."

Also Shadow Gallery have posted notes from Gary Wehrkamp on his contributions to the Mullmuzzler CDs. To read them click here
You know, just another random thought from me here, but if you did that six degrees of seperation with EVERY prog band thats ever lived, youd get the dream theater........Im sure there are actually clones of them, 5 people couldnt possibly contribute so much music for so many people for so long :)

Kinda makes bands that take 3 years between albums look rather poor!
But those bands that take 3 years to make a record (namely Shadow Gallery, Ice Age) usually make those records awesome.

Not that I'm saying DT albums aren't awesome but they do usually contain some crap songs, where as Ice Age's last album "Liberation" doesn't have any crap songs. (in my opinion)
Hey Seventh Son.......

Please explain?

Give me a crap song off:
Images and Words
Scenes from a Memory
Change of seasons
and even Falling into infinity.

No fillers, just kick ass music. I may be a little biased though, since they are my fave band.

7th Son, do you by any chance have any of the recent G3 shows on cd??
I desperatly wanna get my hands on a show.. Preferebly the show where Steve Morse got up on stage and jammed with Joe, John, and Steve.... that would have been awesome!
Check out ice age at . Have alisten to the samples and tell me what you think.

FII - A crap song (IMO) Anna Lee.
The entire Once In A Live Time CD (Derek just wrecks that show).
Awake - The Silent Man
I'l give you IAW and SFAM - no bad songs.

About G3: I have managed to get hold of a couple of versions of Petrucci's songs, suprisingly good quality. But I'm have a bit of trouble tracking down Vai and Satch songs. (Although I'm not looking all that hard for them)
Originally posted by Seventh Son
FII - A crap song (IMO) Anna Lee.
The entire Once In A Live Time CD (Derek just wrecks that show).
Awake - The Silent Man
I'l give you IAW and SFAM - no bad songs.

FII - Just Let Me Breathe. Really annoying after a while!
Awake - none
IAW - none
SFAM - haven't listened to it in a while - quite a few songs that I tend to skip, though
WDADU (everyone keeps forgetting this one!) - Status Seeker
OIALT - all of it (*James* just wrecks that show, not Derek!)

FII - I 'like' all the songs, but dont 'love' them. Big difference. I wouldnt say that there is a bad song on there. I love Anna Lee.. Probably one of my faves from the album, along with Hells Kitchen.

How the hell can you say that Silent Man is a crap song? Not only is it an awesome way to wrap up the Mind Beside Itself trilogy, but its a brilliant song as well!! The version on the DVD and LSFNY is awesome!!!

Images and Words, Awaka, Change of Seasons, Live at the Marquee, and Scenes from a memory are all faultless, brilliant albums!

WDADU is good, but not up there with the rest of em. I put it last on the list of DT albums, and it gets the least amount of play time on my stereo. Song songs are great, like the Killing Hand and YTSE jam, but overall, it is not a killer album. The vocals, and the cheese factor get me everytime. Would like to see it get remastered though and try it again!

As for OIALT, well............... I like it, but it isnt great. James voice is really out in places (Pull me Under most noticably). I think Derek is fine on it. There are some awesome moments and songs such as Peruvian Skies. I love this version, especially with the snippet from Enter Sandman. The end medley of Metropolis, Learning to Live, and ACOS is superb, and Take the Time is faultless.... Much better than the studio version. The freebird bit and the Led Zep bits are fabulous!
Not only did I forget WDADU but I also forgot LATM. Prior to Live Scenes this is there best live album. Bombay Vindaloo is just awesome.

But I have to disagree on OIALT. While James does sound rather poor, If you listen to the music Derek drags the arse out of most of the songs. Live Scenes shows that it must be him because the songs are now back up to proper speed.