Magnitude Nine for PP 6!!


Oct 14, 2002
South Florida
Have REALLY gotten into these guys over the past year with their last two albums - was already thinking they would be great at PP - then I just read an interview on Sea of Tranquility where it said they were tentatively booked for PP5 but they had to drop out because Rob Johnson didn't want to miss his son's start in kindergarten.

I don't have a problem with that at all (guy being a responsible father? More power to him!) but this definitely gets me psyched because they were THAT close to playing in Atlanta this year -

So Glenn, get these guys booked for next year man!! :hotjump: :hotjump: :hotjump:
I'd love to see Mag 9 next year too. I've enjoyed all their work so far, and this newest one will probably be in my top 5 this year. It's about time for them to do a live date, and what better place than Earthlink Live at PP 6.0.
Burke said:
then I just read an interview on Sea of Tranquility where it said they were tentatively booked for PP5 but they had to drop out because Rob Johnson didn't want to miss his son's start in kindergarten.
Well I don't have kids yet, but since when does school start on a Friday or Saturday??? Seems like a lame excuse to me. Regardless, i would love to see them live, but if it is true that they were booked, or almost booked for this year, who knows how them cancelling has effected their relationship with Glenn. Let's hope they are given a second shot as Vanden Plas was.
I agree totally. Love the band and would be great to see them at a future PP. Also agree about the family thing. If that is what he said, then who am I to argue with it? Family should always come first. We need more people who put family first.
TheWhisper said:
I agree totally. Love the band and would be great to see them at a future PP. Also agree about the family thing. If that is what he said, then who am I to argue with it? Family should always come first. We need more people who put family first.

If every musician put his family first in every circumstance we'd have a lot more unsuccessful musicians out there. Not complaining about Rob's descision, thats his own to make, just commenting on the last bit of this quote.
they will never make it to progpower. Next year he won't make it because he will want to watch his son start first grade, year after will be second grade...
theodyssey said:
they will never make it to progpower. Next year he won't make it because he will want to watch his son start first grade, year after will be second grade...

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

This arguement is complete speculation anyways, but let's just say for the sake of it all that the Kindergarten thing is true. Uhhhhh...okay...this show isn't exactly like a tour or anything, so...- insert Cartman's voice from "Southpark"- What's the big fucking deal, Bitch?

He couldn't miss one day? Whatever. To each their own, just sounds a bit lame to me (again, if it is even true).
Yngvai X said:
It was either Pain of Salvation or Dreamscape, since I know they were the two "last minute replacement" bands.
Well then it was obviously Dreamscape since they would be on the same level as Mag Nine. And if that is the case, although I like Mag Nine, Dreamscape is an awesome replacement. I am very pleased!
They were tentatively booked for PP5 but they had to drop out because Rob Johnson didn't want to miss his son's start in kindergarten.
Can you say...L-A-M-E?

They will never make it to progpower. Next year he won't make it because he will want to watch his son start first grade, year after will be second grade...

Well...I don't know about the kindergarten story. But I'm pretty sure they won't ever make it to PPUSA. Fool me once and all that.
I really dig the band and dig their music - and would really LOVE to see them play live. The article specifically mentioned 'tentatively' scheduled to play - somehow, I DON'T see this as the same thing as the Vanden Plas situation for PP2.

All that being said, make all the observations about the guy you want if this was truly the reason he had the band drop from the festival. My father was a douchebag who left before I was one year old so I'll give Johnson all the credit in the world for wanting to be around for his son - even for something people might think was as 'trivial' as his kid going off one his own to school for the first time.
The article specifically mentioned 'tentatively' scheduled to play - somehow, I DON'T see this as the same thing as the Vanden Plas situation for PP2.
We're not discussing what you "DON'T see". We're discussing the facts. They were booked. A done deal. And they backed out. Because Rob couldn't hang. End of story.

All that being said, make all the observations about the guy you want if this was truly the reason he had the band drop from the festival.

I'm not making "observations". Just discussing the facts. I'll reserve comment and limit myself to: Don't believe everything you read.

I really dig the band and dig their music - and would really LOVE to see them play live.

Me too dude. Nothing I would love to see more. But it's not going to happen. They've never played live from what I understand. And it doesn't look like that's going to change in the future.
Hello everyone,

This is Ian Ringler, newly recruited bass player for Magnitude 9.
I'd would like to offer my perspective to hopefully clear up a few things (remember this is only from my perspective):

Yes, Magnitude 9 was invited to play at ProgPower 5
Yes, Magnitude 9 accepted the invitation (without a formal signing of the contract).
Yes, Magnitude 9 pulled out on the Festival at (in my opinion) the last minute.

The reason: After giving the official "OK" to accept the invitation (although a delayed response), Rob made the decision that he would not be able to attend the show. I may not agree with the particular choices made, but I can very much understand them. Family has to come first.

Personally, I feel that Glenn got shafted by having to pull together a band within weeks of releasing the roster. Although most of the members of the band were "ready to roll" there was a long delay in getting the response back to Glenn - I believe the appropriate statement of "shit or get off the pot" fit very well here for this situation. Thankfully, Glenn was able to fill the slot.

Both Corey Brown and myself, offered for our other Colorado based band Section 16 to play, but Glenn declined stating that he needed a bigger band to fill the slot - which was very understandable.

It would have been blast to play at ProgPower as it would have been the first live show for Magnitude 9.

I hope that clears up any confusion or issues regarding my feelings towards playing ProgPower. I was very excited to play the show. I was very disappointed when I learned that we were not going to be playing. Its going to be a killer show this year and I wish that we were going to be a part of it. Hopefully, Magnitude 9 did not ruin any ties or burn any bridges with Glenn or anyone else involved with the ProgPower Festival. I sincerely hope that there will be a chance for Magnitude 9 to one day perform at ProgPower in the future. Our singer Corey Brown did say that he had a terrific time at last year's show and he couldn't wait to get back.

These are only my opinions and DO NOT express the opinions for Magnitude 9 as a whole. I am still very grateful to be involved with this amazing band! From my understanding, this last year has been the most that the band has spoken, laughed, played, been upset, ate, and hung out with each other since the start - almost like a REAL band instead of a studio band. The future will tell.

Thanks for all of the continued support,
Ian Ringler
Section 16
Magnitude 9
Section16 said:
Hello everyone,

This is Ian Ringler, newly recruited bass player for Magnitude 9.
I'd would like to offer my perspective to hopefully clear up a few things (remember this is only from my perspective):

Yes, Magnitude 9 was invited to play at ProgPower 5
Yes, Magnitude 9 accepted the invitation (without a formal signing of the contract).
Yes, Magnitude 9 pulled out on the Festival at (in my opinion) the last minute.

The reason: After giving the official "OK" to accept the invitation (although a delayed response), Rob made the decision that he would not be able to attend the show. I may not agree with the particular choices made, but I can very much understand them. Family has to come first.

Personally, I feel that Glenn got shafted by having to pull together a band within weeks of releasing the roster. Although most of the members of the band were "ready to roll" there was a long delay in getting the response back to Glenn - I believe the appropriate statement of "shit or get off the pot" fit very well here for this situation. Thankfully, Glenn was able to fill the slot.

Both Corey Brown and myself, offered for our other Colorado based band Section 16 to play, but Glenn declined stating that he needed a bigger band to fill the slot - which was very understandable.

It would have been blast to play at ProgPower as it would have been the first live show for Magnitude 9.

I hope that clears up any confusion or issues regarding my feelings towards playing ProgPower. I was very excited to play the show. I was very disappointed when I learned that we were not going to be playing. Its going to be a killer show this year and I wish that we were going to be a part of it. Hopefully, Magnitude 9 did not ruin any ties or burn any bridges with Glenn or anyone else involved with the ProgPower Festival. I sincerely hope that there will be a chance for Magnitude 9 to one day perform at ProgPower in the future. Our singer Corey Brown did say that he had a terrific time at last year's show and he couldn't wait to get back.

These are only my opinions and DO NOT express the opinions for Magnitude 9 as a whole. I am still very grateful to be involved with this amazing band! From my understanding, this last year has been the most that the band has spoken, laughed, played, been upset, ate, and hung out with each other since the start - almost like a REAL band instead of a studio band. The future will tell.

Thanks for all of the continued support,
Ian Ringler
Section 16
Magnitude 9
Thanks Ian.

Tell Corey hey from SeanZilla in Arizona. We've "known" each other since the Psychodrama daze. :loco:

Question... since you are in Magnitude 9 and Section 16, does this make any future projects number based too? Defcon 2, Formula 23 (gotta go by 7's too). :D

You local smartass.

Oh had to go there with the "numbers in the name" thing...HAHAHHA.

I love Defcon 2 hahahhaha funny stuff!

We are stuck in number limbo here. Well, Section 16 also goes by Section XVI, not to be confused with Section A though (killer band by the way).


Yes, Magnitude 9 pulled out on the Festival at (in my opinion) the last minute. The reason: After giving the official "OK" to accept the invitation (although a delayed response), Rob made the decision that he would not be able to attend the show.
And that's all I was trying to say dude. Not trying to step on your toes. Just wanted to be sure that Burke was clear on the circumstances surrounding the situation. It wasn't as if everything was "tentative" or up-in-the-air. An offer had been made. The offer was accepted. Then, to make matters even WORSE, the announcement day came and the lineup was made public. THEN the band pulled out. And all because Rob has to drop his son off at the daycare on Friday or Saturday morning? Sorry to sound so cynical, but it seems a little odd to me that his daycare services are starting up on a weekend anyway. But hey, that's his story and he's stickin' to it. Who am I to question it?

Me? I would just about KILL to see you guys play bro. So I'm definitely a fan. And I have nothing personal against you guys. But to say I thought the situation was anything less than ass would be a lie.
Cool, thanks for the support man. No toes stepped on at all.

Yeah, let's just say that things got a little "harry" within the Magnitude 9 camp for a short while....stuff that I'd rather not go too public with, but now its all "water under the bridge."

In fact, I'm awaiting new demo material from Rob to hit my mailbox anyday now. So I would say things are moving on and forward for Mag 9.

Thanks again to everyone for the continued support and for taking the time to listen to the music.
