Magnitude Nine for PP 6!!

In fact, I'm awaiting new demo material from Rob to hit my mailbox anyday now. So I would say things are moving on and forward for Mag 9. Thanks again to everyone for the continued support and for taking the time to listen to the music.
GREAT to hear dude! I'm ALL about the music. Who knows? Maybe one day Rob will work up the nerve to take off the training wheels and FLY! :)
MeTuLHeD said:
We're not discussing what you "DON'T see". We're discussing the facts. They were booked. A done deal. And they backed out. Because Rob couldn't hang. End of story.

I'm not making "observations". Just discussing the facts. I'll reserve comment and limit myself to: Don't believe everything you read.

Me too dude. Nothing I would love to see more. But it's not going to happen. They've never played live from what I understand. And it doesn't look like that's going to change in the future.

Well, obviously from my 1st post, I didn't know the whole backing out story (sorry I actually went by the exact words <tentatively booked> I read in the article) and in your first reply post, you didn't really bring up the fact that you knew they 'backed out' - so if we're discussing the 'facts', don't get on me when I don't have them all.
I still think matt's right. Again dude, this is nothing against you personally, but bands unfortunately do have to make sacrifices, which sometimes include family. THis isn't about you, Ian. I don't really know if you are a family man or not, as i know nothing about you personally. Anyhow it is your guys's band, and i wish y'all all the luck in the world, and i hope you guys can get out and play sometime soon.
Why do bands have to make sacrifices?? Isn't doing what the fans want "selling out"? Rob is a family man. Good for him. Why go on tour for $200 a week, have no health insurance, house, or pot to pee in? Rob is also an artist. He chooses to put his music on CD so people can enjoy it. He chooses not to tour. (Hey it works for XTC)