Mah and the wreckage

Super Mahrio

Deeply Horrible Person
Apr 30, 2003
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i had a bad day....

my friend Joey came by and we were to hang and stuff...we went to go get Sean (my boyfriend for the n00bs) and Joey missed the first turn to his worries there was a another down the road a bit...we get ready to turn (this turn is tight and kinda scary)...he puts on his blinker and whatnot and as we are turning in i hear this "SREEEEEETTTTCHH! BANG CRUNCH SHATTER!"
some moron with a white toyota POS ran right into us! scared the living crap out of me..i never been in a car accident before...well Joeys car is actually fine...theres minor damage to it on the drivers side fender where the tire is...the shrapnel that hangs a bit causes it to scrape the tire..other than that the vehicle is fine...the other truck the idiot was in is like an accordian..( i love tank cars)...the fucker says that we pulled out in front of him...dirty lies, that fucker tried to swerve around us....
anyway...the moron leaves before the CHP arrives...the CHP hears our end of the story and sees the tire marks of the other person and his broken and shattered lights and crap and knows right away it was that guys fault....
the moron didnt leave us enough info except a name and a cell number (on a torn PG&E bill noless...with an account number)..
before the jackass leaves, he notices im wearing a Nevermore shirt...this is odd...he says "hey i have all their their records and seen em live three times and met WD twice..." im like "whatever dude..." i screamed like a little girl when this happened so im annoyed..and my friend is all "hmm........"
the CHP searches for the guy and i had Sean come down...the CHP didnt find him BUT we have an idea where he who knows...
we're fine..not hurt but alittle shaken...Joey is probably still at Seans house trying to get the tire to not scrape so he can get home...

well...THE END...
Glad you're okay, and to think, a fellow nevermoron being irresponsible. Never wouda thought.

Mah, LISTEN to me very carefully.

For the rest of your life you're going to be paying car insurance. Chances are really good, knowing you, that you'll never cause an accident. If you get into an accident like this.... I beg of you, true or not, to rub your neck a little bit, or your lower back, and mention to the COP that you kinda hurt here or there.

This was your chance! I know you're a nice person, and wouldn't like to consider something like this. Well, I'm many years older, and I always say: If I ever get into an accident, I'm gonna make sure that I mention an ache or pain. If someone hits me, I've never done it, always done the right thing. But, this was your chance to get something back from the insurance companies. You know, before they go belly up. Never did it myself, and probably would never consider it either if I were in the situation.

Anyway, after you report this suspicious ache and pain in your lower back, get treated for it......3 months later, you get a check 5 Grand! I know, wrong, isn't it. But, nice will never, ever get you anywhere. I know this for a fact, nice gets you shit on all you life.

Try it the other way sometime! Still, glad you're alright. You're one of my favorite fellow neverheads.
the most important thing is that you're OK!!

(*remembering how I was rolling over w my grandpa when I was 10, flat tire, a ditch, pile of bricks in front of us... somewhere... and ended up on a side, left side. me saying: "grandpa, can we get out now?" grandpa: "yes, Tanya, just wait till I find the door." Tanya standing barefoot, cuz her shoes fell off her feet (but the glasses didn't!) and staring into the door above their heads, saying nothing. oh, and glass of the back window in million pieces, all over. I was so excited to tell mom about it, and grandma was mad at me because of that. :tickled: * )
Glad to hear you're fine. :)

Yea, ripping of the insurence company is cool... that sounds sarcastic but Im serious. Two friends of mine got hit by an idiot once, one of them got 5k and the other milked it for a few more months and somehow got like 12k. Its hardly ripping them off, you pay so much into insurence and rarely get anything out of it anyways.
Really glad to hear you were all fine though Mah.
Definatly not cool circumstances to meet another Neverhead under...

Glad you're okay, Mah! Hope you guys can find the stupid fucker.
I bet that guy reads the board, and as he saw he saw you rounding that corner, he yelled out

"NO!!!!!!!!!!!!!111 YOU shut the fuck up!!!!!!!!!"
no it was really Wolftribe

the evidence adds up

yeah ive been in 2 accidents before, it really sucks.... i'm sorry but im glad you are okay

two accidents???? we all know of the one that night, and the horrible tale the led up to a life of plastic bedsheets, which means the OTHER one must have been......

*GASP!* ................
dun dun DUNNN!!!

... And he would've gotten away with it, too, if it wasn't for that meddling squid ...
Chromatose said:
no it was really Wolftribe

the evidence adds up

two accidents???? we all know of the one that night, and the horrible tale the led up to a life of plastic bedsheets, which means the OTHER one must have been......

*GASP!* ................
My cover is blown!