Maiden, and standing the test of time. Or not.


Jan 20, 2002
"the flower & willow world"
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Been on a Maiden "kick" lately....and have been delving into all of their releases. I've noticed a few things:

- the X Factor seemingly appears to improve with time. At first, way back in 1995, I didn't dig it at all. I thought some of it was cool, but the rest just plodded along slowly, barely reaching the finish line. It was too bloated. And this is the music, not Blaze's vocals I'm referring to.
Anyway, over the years, the greatness of the songs has made itself evident. It's a dark, brooding version of Maiden, but the melody and craftnesmanship is still there. I highly recommend that "Blaze era" haters give this one another go.

- Virtual XI has a few GREAT tunes, but some rather dull, drab tunes, as well. The good tunes have really aged well, while the drab & dull have 'grown on me' a bit. Overall, a decent record - not classic - but decent.

- Fear of the Dark has not aged well, at all. And that's not a good thing as it wasn't very good in 1992, either. Too much of the album is simply B-side quality filler, as I see it. And Bruce's vocals are very strained here. It's the least "Maiden sounding" of all of their albums, as I see it. There are some good tracks, of course, but not much that's worthy of inclusion in the esteemed Maiden catalogue.

- No Prayer for the Dying. I was really disappointed with this upon it's release. I wanted more in the way of "7th Son" and the prog-experimental element that had risen to Maiden's forefront. To me, "No Prayer" was a lame - and failed - attempt at reproducing "Killers". Of course, over the years, the album's individuality has become apparent. Some of these songs are great (the first 4 and Mother Russia) and the rest is godawful.

Actually, the 5 best songs from "Prayer" and "Fear" would have made for one really solid record.
Tailgunner Be Quick
Holy Smoke Wasting Love
Afraid to Shoot No Prayer
Public Enema Childhood's End
Mother Russia Fear Of the Dark

Do you prefer the tandem of "No Prayer" and "Fear" or the Blaze tandem of "X" and "XI"?
hmm, well, its very very hard for me too choose being maiden as my favorite, but i will choose by the mood im in.

for Blaze,id say virtual XI. i do feel X-factor may have more songs i listen to more often, but virtual XI has a really cool feel, more maiden i think. and, it has the clansman/futureal, kcik ass!! hard decision.

as for fear adn no prayer, that is VERY hard...both great albums. overrall, id probably go with fear. the songs i would choose from each for 1 album are..

no prayer, be quick
public enema, childhoods end
fates warning, the fugitive,
the assasin, afraid to shoot strangers
bring your daughter, fear of the dark.

Regarding the classic albums most definitively (that's why they are call classics :err: ). No matter what when I play "Killers" or "Piece Of Mind" they still move me as hard as the first time I heard them.

Regarding the band, not (IMO). They lost their magic after 1988, and the changes since Janick came aboard haven't been good. The albums became bland, the change of singer wasn't good for the band, and the new albums lack of any relevance compared to the past. Unlike Saxon Maiden lost coherence in their proposal since 1980.

I'm not bashing the band for free, and I don't mean to hurt sensibilities among the die-hard fans, it's just a Sunday morning opinion :wave:

NP: Attentat Rock - 'La Mer Du Silence'
Man, that is a tough choice. Songs like Blood On The Worlds Hands make me lean towards Blaze era, but Tailgunner and a few others make those two Bruce records fine for different reasons. In the end though, i think they did not age well (as you said), so I side for the Blaze stuff. It isn't stellar, true, but as a stand alone thing, lets call it a Steve Harris side project, it's not too shabby.

Also, between my Saxon thread and your Maiden and Priest threads, Soundmaster, we've had some nice discussions about the "big three" of NWOBHM of late. Old school indeed.
overral id choose the 2 albums with bruce over the 2 with blaze.

see, i love AAAALLL maiden...lost their magic? psh...they jsut went from black to arcane magic...pssh DUH.

hahah, i love all maiden...while id probably admit, technically speaking, npftd, fotd, x-factor, and virtual XI are the "weakest", then DOD and BNW, then the rest...i give all maiden a really just depends what mood im in, which is what determines what i like the most at that time.

however, i MUST say, i dot hink many people have it in their heads, or see the common talk "maiden lost it after SSOASS" and, while i dont think thats true i can see where tehy are coming from...but they never give BNW or DOD the chancge they gave PS, POM, SIT and so on. they immediatly judge against it, which takes out of the albums and you tend to think less of opinion.

up the irons:headbang:
I have a tough time finding anything I like on those 4 albums. Definately the low point of their career. I think it's awesome that they've been able to turn it around for BNW & DOD
Fear/No Prayer for me, hands down!
Very few songs from X(I) can stand up to Be Quick, Judas Be My Guide, FOTD, No Prayer, Public Enema, Mother Russia, Afraid To Shoot, Tailgunner...
You chose the right description for X: bloated. I suppose they felt they HAD to fill the CD, like when they filled the LP with, say, Powerslave. But in this case, to much repetition for me to take... :yuk:
I have about 7 Maiden albums, and I've heard every album except for DOD. I can honestly say I think FOTD is a really good album. It's more commercial, but I love it. Just good, plain, rockin' songs.
#1_Droogie said:
I have about 7 Maiden albums, and I've heard every album except for DOD. I can honestly say I think FOTD is a really good album. It's more commercial, but I love it. Just good, plain, rockin' songs.
You're gonna get hung from the nearest old dead tree for making that statement Droog! But I'll hang with you. Fear of the Dark gets a really bad rap overall, but it's one of my fav Maiden albums.

I kinda put FotD in the same category as Judas Priest's Point of Entry. It may have been a shot at the mainstream, but it was a quality shot. Fear of the Dark is a fun album and it's a staple of mine when I'm out exploring remote mountain roads (memories attached).
Trans-Siberian Outcast said:
You're gonna get hung from the nearest old dead tree for making that statement Droog! But I'll hang with you. Fear of the Dark gets a really bad rap overall, but it's one of my fav Maiden albums.
haha I know, I'm not expecting too much agreement (I'm suprised even somebody did!), but I stand by my claim. It could be that From Here To Eternity was the first Maiden song I had heard, or, as you mentioned, the album as a whole has sentimental value that hits close to home with me, but it's just an all around good album IMO.
The problem with FOTD to me it's that was a mixed bag. Great songs and really lousy ones, so it's all about extremes. Besides I resent not to have Derek Riggs artwork in the cover, and try a poor substitute.

I remember as soon as told the albums was out, I ran to a store downtown to purchase it. I was totally driven by 'Be Quick Or Be Dead' and I thought this was the shape of Maiden to be, sadly the rest of the album as I stated was a mixed bag. Of course trimming down the bad material the rest is extra cool, especially the title song which to me is pure Maiden by numbers.

NP: Scavenger - 'Prisoner Of Time'
Wyvern said:
The problem with FOTD to me it's that was a mixed bag. Great songs and really lousy ones, so it's all about extremes. Besides I resent not to have Derek Riggs artwork in the cover, and try a poor substitute.

I remember as soon as told the albums was out, I ran to a store downtown to purchase it. I was totally driven by 'Be Quick Or Be Dead' and I thought this was the shape of Maiden to be, sadly the rest of the album as I stated was a mixed bag. Of course trimming down the bad material the rest is extra cool, especially the title song which to me is pure Maiden by numbers.

Perfectly stated! The album is a mixed bag. Some classics, some 'so so' tracks and some godawful moments.
Well, I liked all the songs on FotD. But then again, I wasn't a big fan of the direction Maiden was heading back then, so I thought it was an improvement. It was fun listening to Maiden play around with regular length songs once again. That album is a novelty in Maiden's catalogue. I'm glad it's there. Like Savatage's Fight for the Rock, it's a guilty pleasure.
SoundMaster said:
Actually, the 5 best songs from "Prayer" and "Fear" would have made for one really solid record.
Tailgunner Be Quick
Holy Smoke Wasting Love
Afraid to Shoot No Prayer
Public Enema Childhood's End
Mother Russia Fear Of the Dark

Do you prefer the tandem of "No Prayer" and "Fear" or the Blaze tandem of "X" and "XI"?


I agree that would be a better combo album than either one individually, with the exception of "Wasting Love", where if I never hear it again it'll be too soon, and "Holy Smoke" which is just totally uninspired, porto potty rotting sewage.:loco:

Other than that, I agree with everything you said.

And the blaze combo is better, just because of the X Factor. I've liked it since it came out.
SoundMaster said:
Actually, the 5 best songs from "Prayer" and "Fear" would have made for one really solid record.
I also feel that way!

Do you prefer the tandem of "No Prayer" and "Fear" or the Blaze tandem of "X" and "XI"?
I like the songs on X Factor but not the vocals (I don't know why but I prefer Blaze vocals in his solo band), and Virtual XI is ok. Anyone into "Como Estais Amigos" by the way? My favorite song off Virtual XI (with "The Clansman"), yet it's like a forgotten track.
Anyway, if Bruce had never left I would have probably chosen the X/XI tandem...
Fangface said:
I also feel that way!

I like the songs on X Factor but not the vocals (I don't know why but I prefer Blaze vocals in his solo band), and Virtual XI is ok. Anyone into "Como Estais Amigos" by the way? My favorite song off Virtual XI (with "The Clansman"), yet it's like a forgotten track.
Anyway, if Bruce had never left I would have probably chosen the X/XI tandem...

i feel the same. now, i do like blaze's vocals and they did fit well on some songs, but the writing/constructing style of Maiden isnt really built for Blaze's type of vocals.

i am into all maiden, so yes im into CEA...and it doesn seem to be one of the "forgotten tracks". you forgot futureal though! i love that one.

ya know, on the subject of maiden...i thought id mention the SIT album. a favorite, i love em all, but this is the one i really, if i had to, could choose to say "my favorite" and not feel like i lied.

however, it seems to be the most forgotten album. it is rarely talked about, and i think its brilliant! ive always found it strange, many people dont like that maiden style as much (judging from the people ive conversed with), but i found it a moving and unique feel never touched on before or after...anyone else?
No-Mercy said:
i thought id mention the SIT album. a favorite, i love em all, but this is the one i really, if i had to, could choose to say "my favorite" and not feel like i lied.

however, it seems to be the most forgotten album. it is rarely talked about, and i think its brilliant! ive always found it strange, many people dont like that maiden style as much (judging from the people ive conversed with), but i found it a moving and unique feel never touched on before or after...anyone else?

My fav Maiden, by far!