Just back from the return of the mighty Maidens to the SoCal stage... after 5 LONG months in absence, and what a return it was!
The girls came out of the gate with a storming "Be Quick or Be Dead," with Aja leading the charge. Any doubts I may have had dissolved instantly, Aja has Dickinson down!
(and this is coming from a Dickinson FREAK! ME!)She was all over the stage, getting the crowd into overdrive, and singing her head off!
Linda, Jojo, Sara and Wanda had huge smiles on their faces and seem more than glad to be back onstage in SoCal, and the crowd was glad to have them back.
Among the new tunes:
Genghiskhan, Where Eagles Dare and the beautiful Revelations.
I'll flesh out a more complete review for The Metal Hall.
The girls came out of the gate with a storming "Be Quick or Be Dead," with Aja leading the charge. Any doubts I may have had dissolved instantly, Aja has Dickinson down!

Linda, Jojo, Sara and Wanda had huge smiles on their faces and seem more than glad to be back onstage in SoCal, and the crowd was glad to have them back.
Among the new tunes:
Genghiskhan, Where Eagles Dare and the beautiful Revelations.
I'll flesh out a more complete review for The Metal Hall.