

Aug 20, 2007
22 Acacia Avenue
hi to all that rock/bang/thrash/ :headbang: my name is Adrian, born Kent England now live in Australia.
age, well when it comes to Metal, age dosen't matter. i'm not a computer geek and this is prob/in the wrong section so if it is i'm feeling like a right t!t so i do apologise.
bands i love and have grown up with, i will start from my #1 band
#1..Iron Maiden- ol skool new skool dosen't matter luv um.
#2..Judas Priest- ol skool metal
#3..Motor Head- ol skool metal
#4..Black Sabbath- ol skool metal
#5..Sex Pistols- ol skool punk
#6..Accept- ol skool metal
#7..Scorpions- ol skool metal
#8..led zeppelin- ol skool metal
#9..Kiss- ol skool metal
#10.bon jon jovi- ol skool new skool
well peoples thats been my music for the past 25 years, i hope that makes me a metal head and welcomed to your site.

cheers: maiden1
I thank you Stormy for your approvel, it's good to be apart of something you love, shall talk again.
cheers: maiden1

PS: i am sorry i didn't mention the man himself Ronnie James "DIO" Secred Heart brilliant.:worship:
necromancy: I thankyou from the pits of hell and may my stay here be as long as yours.

cheers::kickass: maiden1

"God might of gave us Rock "N" Roll:cool:"
but the "Devil kicked his arse with Heavy Metal :worship: :headbang:"

sorry necromancy I didn't think you would get to read it, thats why it was deleted, I feel like a right tit, so if you could disregard the PM thankU :oops:

cheers::kickass: maiden1
Yeah Dio seems to still be going strong,I have'nt picked up"man on the moon" but "killing the dragon" was pretty damn good.Not so much in a lyrical sense but the music and vocals are quite good.
Speaking of Dio how much of his thumb was wacked off? I heard he had a gardening accident some time ago.:erk:
Wolf, pleased to meet ya mate.:kickass:

"DIO" I luv the mans voice, I have him up there with "BRUCE D" :headbang:

Speaking of Dio's thumb:erk: , i new nothing of it, i'm only interested in the mans voice and music, it ROCKS my world:headbang:

If Dio had part of his thumb chopped off due to gardening :oops: I think someone would of mentioned it :headbang:

cheers::kickass: maiden1

PS: I will try and research your Question? If i can.
Wolf, I see Dio have had their share of bad luck in the years, with Jens Johansson and his keyboards blowing up in his face knocking him out:devil: ."Throw'em To The Wolfs Tour" 5th August 1990.

Los Angeles jan/17/94 "Earthquakes

(Drummer) Vinny Appice catching pneumonia:ill: on the "Angry Machines Tour"

I read nothing on R.J Dio chopping any part of his thumb off:headbang: , unless you were taken the piss:kickass: , I see nothing:loco:

In my opinion the band should of been called "Black Dio" or "Dio's Black" :lol: they changed band members that many times, it was like a soccer match, #7 off #8 your on:lol:

cheers:kickass: maiden1

"British By Birth, English By The Grace Of God"
:kickass: cheers mate, and a frigging mad :headbang: :zombie:welcome to you:guh:

dude for me thats is the hardest question i could be asked:headbang: , i luv'um all from "The Number Of The Beast" to "Ace's High" "Fear Of The Dark" to "2 Minutes To Midnight" and a great song "Hallowed Be Thy Name":worship: :worship: :Smokedev: I would start with "Hallowed Be Thy Name":headbang:

wot about yourself Sequirenegatus??? are you a Maiden freak2?....ROCK:headbang:

cheers::kickass: maiden1
Tommy:headbang: my favorite Album I would say "The Number Of The Beast":devil: :worship: :Smokedev: but I have been listening to "The Best Of The Beast" :hotjump: lately.

One thing though I haven't got any of Bruce Dickinsons Albums:mad: :confused: alot of people have spoken highly of his work:worship: :worship: but i was gutterd when i found out he left Maiden:puke: :cry: I will be checking out some Albums this week.

cheers:kickass: maiden1

"I Am Not A Number, I Am Free Man":lol: :lol: :lol:
Twas a shame that martin decided to leave the UM.

I think if martin had just laughed off all the comments that were given he might still be here today.

Change your user name,Martin loose the attitude...PEOPLES..think before you post, if someone gives you the shits, reply with a :lol: or a :kickass: so many to choose from, saves you from getting upset/angry/p***ed off/frustrated.

I think most people have been in your situation Martin, not so much with an attitude but been picked on because they were different, like myself maybe because i'm british and I love everything to do with ENGLAND but thats me and if you don't like it :headbang::kickass::lol::cool: thats fine by me.

It doesn't mean suck up to all the older members, people know if your full of crap or not, i've had my fair share of fck ups and you learn damned quick if you wont to fit in:headbang: or just belong to a group that are just like yourself:headbang::kickass:........\m/


might see you soon Martin
Hi:wave: necromancy

With Martin, I think it was a case of I know too much, You can BELEAVE ME OR NOT but I'm not telling.

But when martin did write the names of bands/groups he was brought up on, he was questioned on them. Martin got a bit defensive when asked, asked for an apology if I don't get one he said well I'M leaving. and said a few choice words at that now he is no more.

If your reading this martin come back mate, its all good.....:kickass:

cheers :kickass:maiden1