Maidens "Rig Rundown"?


New Metal Member
Jun 5, 2011
Hey peeps,

as a guitar gear nerd, I love watching those youtube videos where guitarists/bassists reveal all the live equipment used in the signal chain.

I'd love to know what kind of gear the Maidens use in their current live shows... like... I'm talking the entire signal chain (from pick to amp, and everything in between). What kind of channel switching presets are used, etc...

For example, Courtney's Gear is listed here:
I'd love to know:
- How are the Peavey Valve King channels configured? I'm guessing Clean / Rhythm / Lead?
- What effects are in front of the amp?
- What effects are in the effects loop?
- Any new toys since the article?

:kickass:Here's a list of my gear.. this might take a while haha..

Schecter Avenger SLS FR-S (with sustainiac)
Schecter Banshee FR
Schecter Blackjack SLS FR

Dunlop Jazz 3s

Schecter 100 USA Head
Here's the link:
The only difference with mine is that it's a prototype so it doesn't have the noise gate. My cab is a Peavey.

Pedal effects chain through the front of the amp:

Sennheiser wireless
Korg Pitchblack Tuner
Boss AW-3 Dynamic Wah
ISP Decimator I
Boss Metalzone (only for travel/over seas shows where I can't use my amp)

Effects loop chain:

MXR ZW-38 Black Label Chorus
MXR Carbon Copy Delay
BBE Boosta Grande
BBE Sonic Stomp Maximizer
TC Electronics Hall of Fame

I think that should sum it all up! :rock:
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DOH! Sorry I wouldn't be of much help here on this one! :kickass: I'll send some stringers this way! :kickass:
Thanks Linda! I have love for drums too!! Feel free to chime in!! And thank you for having the stringers chime in! These are great answers!

Here's a list of my gear :) :

G&L basses, models SB-2, JB-2

Bass Cabinets:

Schroeder Superior Sound Cabs


BBE Sound B-Max T PreAmp

QSC PLX 3102 power amp



Very cool! Thanks Wanda!

:kickass:Here's a list of my gear.. this might take a while haha..

Schecter Avenger SLS FR-S (with sustainiac)
Schecter Banshee FR
Schecter Blackjack SLS FR

Dunlop Jazz 3s

Schecter 100 USA Head
Here's the link:
The only difference with mine is that it's a prototype so it doesn't have the noise gate. My cab is a Peavey.

Pedal effects chain through the front of the amp:

Sennheiser wireless
Korg Pitchblack Tuner
Boss AW-3 Dynamic Wah
ISP Decimator I
Boss Metalzone (only for travel/over seas shows where I can't use my amp)

Effects loop chain:

MXR ZW-38 Black Label Chorus
MXR Carbon Copy Delay
BBE Boosta Grande
BBE Sonic Stomp Maximizer
TC Electronics Hall of Fame

I think that should sum it all up! :rock:

Thanks Nikki! I've been meaning to check out the Schecter head. I didn't know they had a built-in noise gate!
Love the MXR Carbon copy! Do you just enable the loop for leads, or do you manually turn things on / off as needed?

Thanks again!:rock:

Kirsten "Bruce Chickinson";10918907 said:
Doesn't anyone wanna know what kind of batteries I use in my mic? :lol:

I hear vintage Swedish batteries from the mid 70's are where it's at.
Confirm / Deny? ;)
Howdy, I'm the newest member here at your forum. I just wanted to say something to see if my profile's set up right, but this thread was very cooool I gotta say.

I've played a little guitar (and I do mean very little compared professional musicians like yourselves) but I tend to be a technical person by nature so I copied down what you said. I like The Iron Maidens style so knowing what you use to get your particular sound is something I want to look into down at Bizzare Guitar down where by I live (I live just over in Phx).

Quick question while I have some master's around. I finally found a sound I like... . Anyone have any ideas what "signal processing" (can't think of a better term than this) this guy uses? I'm just making conversation, but I am wondering...any help would be appreciated.

Anyways...just wanted to check in and say hi'z to you all and I will be back. Love your guys' music, I listen to it literally every day. Peace.
I definitely hear a chorus effect, and a noise gate. Hope this helps!

Actually, yeah @ Paincakes. Hey if I have some technical questions, can you give me your opinion? Every once in a long while I need a question know one that would take forever to figure out but just finding the right person and asking get's it answered right away. Not just PC but anyone.

Some thoughts (I'm like relaxing from work right now and had a chance to do some reading): @Nikki S. that's a nice amp, but $ about a major commitment. I like how it has tubes I have noticed the difference between like FET's and tubes, but even for a handsome unit like that (I love that Hellraiser though, just b----ing about the price, the guitars are a bit pricy too) just seems a bit much.

Anyways, I'm new and I know I can be a real chatterbox at times, so I'll just leave it at this for now, other than to say that reading Ms. Cox's interview was a really cool experience...for someone who describes herself as non-technical, I could feel her intelligence. Not just some dumb musician is my point...
Holy necro bump!

I just thought I'd add a picture from Courtney's instagram. I don't recall how old it is, but check this:


It looks like the signal chain goes like this:

Guitar -> Line 6 Relay G30 -> Boss Tuner (TU-2 or TU-3, can't tell) -> Amp (Peavey Valve King?) -> Effects Loop: BBE Boosta Grande -> Boss Digital Delay (DD3?) -> Boss Super Chorus (CH1).

I'd love to hear of any updates any of you may have done to your rigs!

Cheers! \m/
Hey peeps,

as a guitar gear nerd, I love watching those youtube videos where guitarists/bassists reveal all the live equipment used in the signal chain.

I'd love to know what kind of gear the Maidens use in their current live shows... like... I'm talking the entire signal chain (from pick to amp, and everything in between). What kind of channel switching presets are used, etc...

For example, Courtney's Gear is listed here:
I'd love to know:
- How are the Peavey Valve King channels configured? I'm guessing Clean / Rhythm / Lead?
- What effects are in front of the amp?
- What effects are in the effects loop?
- Any new toys since the article?


Nothing has changed much since that article hahah

peavey valve king- Channels: Clean, Distortion
front of amp: boss tuner, line 6 wireless
effects loop: chorus ( boss), Delay (boss), boost (BBE)

new toys : Caparison Horus-M3 Aqua Blue
Caparison TAT Special Trans. black cherry
Custom Courtney Cox Caparison Horus-M3 in green