Make a video of "the walls go down"


Reported Type: INTP
Mar 29, 2003
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That would be excellent.
It should be quite dark, not to say sinienster with the weirdes clips and fragments you've ever seen. Damn, that would turn into a classic one, and fun to do and see.

I also noticed that "when the walls go down" is the tune that people are most likely to get along with straight away. At least thats my experience. They kind of like it instantly, and get curious about the rest. Apart from that, it is the second most voted on eh, hehe, do I make a point or at least sense?! lol, That's pretty much all reasons they need to start thinking about it anyway :))


Yeah that would be the best song to make a vid out of...a not so obvious choice.

It's just the best song on the album. I don't think it's any easier to get into than the rest the rest of the album.