Make money off Pedobear?


The office is clothes.
Feb 1, 2006

I thought about an *HYPOTHETICAL* plan to make money off pedos. Maybe it's older than Jesus, I don't know and that's not the point. Here we go: First, you make a fake pedobait MSN account. You then go to a chatroom on whatever website you want and act as said pedobait. With a name like "lil_cute_girlxXx" or the likes, LOTS of old pervs will shows up. It work best with people near you (like, in your town) and with older dudes (most of the time, they don't know jackshit about computer). You then proceed to give your MSN account so you can "know each others more". Stupid as they are, pedos will do anything they can to buttsecks "you", and that's mean sending you incriminating pictures, phone numbers or even adresses. It's also very easy to get their IP number from ta received email(it's worth shit, but it's pretty scary for them if they don't know what it is). You then proceed to confront whatever pedo that got caught in your web with all your informations. Something like: "I got pics, IPs, phone number and such, you monster!" will do. They WILL freak out, and much rofls will ensue. Then for the profit part(and keep in mind, that's an *HYPOTHETICAL* scenario, nobody will do this!), you can ask them money otherwise you send all the infos to the police. With some years behind bars and lots of buttsecks by big black dudes, I'm sure they'll give whatever you ask. Asking something like 200-300 depending on their income so they won't, after all, decide to go in jail instead. Then you just fin a drop-off when they can leave the money and BAM! Easy bucks for you. Then, you keep all the infos on you hard drive (just in case they retaliate) and you forget them. So the point of this thread is, if *HYPOTHETICALLY* someone will want to do that, what doesn't work in that plan? Sure, there is risk that the pedo snitch (irony for the lulz) on you but with the infos you got, the odds are pretty low. So forumers, what's your thoughts about this?
that's got to be the most fucking retarded thing i've heard all day.

other than blackmail being illegal...
other than blackmail being illegal...

Yeah, well, duh, but blackmailling is a petty crime and with little luck you only get municipal work. On the other end, minor solicitation and (in some cases) giving porn to a younling is much worse. Hell, if I was a pedo, I would not take the chance and blackmail the dude, I would gladly pay it to avoid prison.

I thought about an *HYPOTHETICAL* plan to make money off pedos. Maybe it's older than Jesus, I don't know and that's not the point. Here we go: First, you make a fake pedobait MSN account. You then go to a chatroom on whatever website you want and act as said pedobait. With a name like "lil_cute_girlxXx" or the likes, LOTS of old pervs will shows up. It work best with people near you (like, in your town) and with older dudes (most of the time, they don't know jackshit about computer). You then proceed to give your MSN account so you can "know each others more". Stupid as they are, pedos will do anything they can to buttsecks "you", and that's mean sending you incriminating pictures, phone numbers or even adresses. It's also very easy to get their IP number from ta received email(it's worth shit, but it's pretty scary for them if they don't know what it is). You then proceed to confront whatever pedo that got caught in your web with all your informations. Something like: "I got pics, IPs, phone number and such, you monster!" will do. They WILL freak out, and much rofls will ensue. Then for the profit part(and keep in mind, that's an *HYPOTHETICAL* scenario, nobody will do this!), you can ask them money otherwise you send all the infos to the police. With some years behind bars and lots of buttsecks by big black dudes, I'm sure they'll give whatever you ask. Asking something like 200-300 depending on their income so they won't, after all, decide to go in jail instead. Then you just fin a drop-off when they can leave the money and BAM! Easy bucks for you. Then, you keep all the infos on you hard drive (just in case they retaliate) and you forget them. So the point of this thread is, if *HYPOTHETICALLY* someone will want to do that, what doesn't work in that plan? Sure, there is risk that the pedo snitch (irony for the lulz) on you but with the infos you got, the odds are pretty low. So forumers, what's your thoughts about this?

Ok ok lemme get this straight. You wish to *Hypothetically* extort money from eager pedophiles in exchange for not being turned in to the police? Well.. I must say, other than running the practically inevitable risk of getting caught and going to prison I would say that idea is *Hypothetically* retarded.