Computer programs to make music


New Metal Member
Mar 10, 2008
I know a lot of you play an instrument and I was wondering if you use a computer program to record your stuff.

Or if some people create music with a computer program and which one?

My friends use Reason now it's kind of cool. They have a keyboard and connect it to Reason. But what about recording the guitar or the bass ? is it a better program or a better way to record them?
a lot of people use Cubase...I've never used it as I can't get my hands on a serial to crack the bastard, but I use Sony Acid Pro 6, which is really good.
Cubase for more advanced people that want to be able to tweak the hell out of everything in their mix also great to combine recording proses with VST instruments and instruments.

for beginners or just for people that want fast powerful enough result
cool edit pro (or now days Audition)

there are alot more out there but those are the most popular far as i know.
no problem
forgot to mention Sonor this program is awesome working with vst midi sampling stuff, recording guitars too
For great sounding drums check out Toontrack's EzDrummer.


eazy to use, and drum kit from hell add on has everything you'll probably need.
i have cubase but i just record and delete when needed.. i do not use it for anything special.. I hook up my Zoom pedal and record thats all... I did have to download a small file to use the Zoom pedal to it but i got help from the Internetts :)
^same and Ezdrummer got a killer sound!

I have been thinking about getting Ezdrummer too. I know Drumkit from hell is supposed to be better but it takes about 35GB of HD space, and that's quite much considering that my computer is a laptop from 2005 and have a total of 80GB HD space. :ill: