Making a Convolution amp simulator plugin for OSX: please read and respond

Absolutely nothing is wrong with it! Except that I prefer Pro Tools to Cubase and Logic. :p But yeah, Michael at Alien Connections/Peavey has said although there won't be native RTAS support at launch, RVIII will add RTAS capability as a free update before too long. I'm just looking for something to use in Pro Tools in the meantime.

Have you tried TConvolution?

It is Mac+RTAS. It is still in beta development stages, but it is probably working better than my stuff is right now :Smug: It is probably a max/msp plug because you need their runtime. I tried building a convolution plug against that framework and didn't have much success on MY machine, but heck... it's free so give it a try.
Have you tried TConvolution?

It is Mac+RTAS. It is still in beta development stages, but it is probably working better than my stuff is right now :Smug: It is probably a max/msp plug because you need their runtime. I tried building a convolution plug against that framework and didn't have much success on MY machine, but heck... it's free so give it a try.

Yeah, I looked into that one, but apparently the latest Pluggo runtime (which is required) does not like Pro Tools 6.x, and the plugin won't show up. :erk:
Yeah TConvolution + Pluggo gives me errors every time. It just says that Pluggo is missing files and has to be re-installed...after about 7,273 times re-installing it and getting the same errors...I gave up.

Still haven't had time to try out your plug though, hopefully some time this weekend I will.

Can you repost your plug I never got it.

I am working on a realtime version, but it is slow-going :mad:, so it will be a while. There are a few bugs in OSX and in the runtime that I am waiting on fixes for. In the meantime, here are some experiments that i put together. They are a little rough, but at least it is something:

Download Here... about 6 megs Sorry about the rapidshare... My FTP is all goofy right now.

It's a set of plugs that I rolled together as an experiment, with a convolution engine and the 3 original GuitarHack impulses built-in plus a 3-band EQ. There is a VST and an AU version of each: a low latency/lower quality and high-latency/higher quality version. I also included a very rough version of a preamp emulator that I have been working on... just for fun. Don't forget to install the included framework first. The one version has a latency around 6ms, and the higher quality version is around 100ms.

I didn't make GUIs for any of them, so you just get the ugly standard interface... but hopefully that makes it more compatible with out-of-date hosts and OSes. They work 100% in Leopard/Intel under every DAW I have installed at 16 or 24-bit @ 44.1kHz (I don't know how they behave at different sample freq) but I don't have Tiger/PowerPC so i don't know about that.

If they work for anyone out there, lemme know.
Yeah TConvolution + Pluggo gives me errors every time. It just says that Pluggo is missing files and has to be re-installed...after about 7,273 times re-installing it and getting the same errors...I gave up.


That is one of the reasons that I chose not to develop using the pluggo or max/msp runtime... it is a PITA for end-users to get running properly. It actually DOES work, but you have to roll up your sleeves and put all the stuff in the right place (eg, the place that works for your system) and run the audiounit scan a few times after each change. If your only other option is to PAY for something, then I would just go ahead and spend an afternoon "massaging" the pluggo runtime into working.

Honestly, I wish the pluggo/max runtime were open-source... not so that it would be free, but because if you develop a plug to use the runtime and Cycling '74 don't keep it up to date or run into a bug, you can fix the code in the runtime, distribute your own version and not have a bunch of dissappointed users.