Pitch AND Playrate Plugin


Ascend Recordings
Dec 16, 2010
Hey guys,

I really love the playrate control in Reaper. Unfortunately you can only use it in the master buss. Just wondering if there is a plugin similar to :
Soundtoys Speed

I just need something that will change pitch AND the tempo
Not a plug in, but in Reaper if you right click a track and go to item properties there is a playback rate and pitch adjustment
Thank you so much. Sad how Iv'e been using Reaper for a long time now and never even knew about this feature.

I owe you a beer for that one :kickass:
Why you no use the plugin you presented? Is it bad? I don't know it at all unfortunately.

And just a question... why would you want to control the tempo on a SPECIFIC item? Wouldn't this make it out of sync with other tracks? I can't see the point of controlling a single item's tempo in realtime...
I didn't use the plugin because unfortunately it doesn't work on other DAW's besides ProTools. :/

Yea, it would throw the track off from the rest of the mix but I only wanted to use it on specific part of the song for fx purposes.
Just realized I can't automate the play rate using that method in Reaper :(

I can only automate the pitch in each item rather than the pitch and play rate of each item.

If anyone knows any vst that can do this, It would be highly appreciated.