making an IF shirt ... need caption suggestions

Javi said:
so far it's going on a white shirt,

since i don't know to do on black since you cant print "white"

There's new iron on designs for black shirts. I made an opeth shirt this way. It sticks quite nicely, but it doesn't melt into and become part of the shirt like the white ones do.
Stood there leaning to the city moon
Casting silhouettes tall to grip her white rooms
The black clad voyeur and his black clad mask
In the serpentine sun of tragedies basked
plfffffft said:
If you don't wanna use an song lyric, you can always use a slogan from another IF shirt

In Flames: Probably the best band on Earth.

I don't know why I get such a kick outta that.
Same here actually, I suggest you just use that slogan, because it totally kicks my ass. I was going to order that shirt off their website, actually.
Jabi said:
What's "diorama" anyway? My dictionary doesn't have that word.
It's one of those goofy-ass models of sutff that elementary school kids make in sideways shoeboxes.

As for the shirt, the first two that popped into my head are the last verse of Gyroscope and "This is Episode 666 [next line]Destination, Chaos ...
no progress on the shirt yet

i've decided on the quote from SWIM and ORDINARY STORY

i'm very tempted to use the WATCH ME FEED quote :P

i'm going to soon redesign the layout a bit