Making dfh superior sound real


Used by Protools
Dec 26, 2005
Detroit, MI
OK well i finally got working after some hassle:headbang: Now do i need to go through midi track and manually adjust velocity of hits cause there is some humanize features but they seem like they are not doing much and everything sounds pretty machine like.

Not sure if I'm missing something or not doing correctly (might have to break out the old manual again) But just some pointers on what you guys usually do to make sweet tracks and sound as real as they do!!!

Please oh dfhs masters share your wisdom:headbang:
Yeah, you really need to adjust the velocity by hand.

Just think like a real drummer... you're going to hit the hat harder on certain beats, the ride in a certain manner (hard, soft, hard soft, etc, maybe hard, less hard, soft, hard less hard, soft, etc, etc). Also, go back to the crashes and make every other hit or so have a lower velocity, so it doesn't sound so mechanical.

Really though, just think of how a drummer would hit it - it's not going to be the same velocity for every hit, besides on the kick (which is going to be triggered 99% of the time).
What I have done with DFH2:

Got one of those 16 pad deals (touch sensitive). And played each drum along with the original fixed velocity hits. Then I would get rid of that drum in the midi track (talking cyms snare whatever). If it's double bass drum shit I would have 2 pads, if I missed any notes I would just manually paste them in later.

In other words program first then ajust the velocity, this is just how I do it there is probably better ways.
What I have done with DFH2:

Got one of those 16 pad deals (touch sensitive). And played each drum along with the original fixed velocity hits. Then I would get rid of that drum in the midi track (talking cyms snare whatever). If it's double bass drum shit I would have 2 pads, if I missed any notes I would just manually paste them in later.

In other words program first then ajust the velocity, this is just how I do it there is probably better ways.

Hm, got any examples of the results doing that?
What I have done with DFH2:

Got one of those 16 pad deals (touch sensitive). And played each drum along with the original fixed velocity hits. Then I would get rid of that drum in the midi track (talking cyms snare whatever). If it's double bass drum shit I would have 2 pads, if I missed any notes I would just manually paste them in later.

In other words program first then ajust the velocity, this is just how I do it there is probably better ways.

Man, see if you've gone to the trouble of playing it in? Why not just use the velocity of the pads? Save yourself a long and tedious step?

If you have sonar, use "groove quantising"... brilliant and does the job exactly!
Man, see if you've gone to the trouble of playing it in? Why not just use the velocity of the pads? Save yourself a long and tedious step?

If you have sonar, use "groove quantising"... brilliant and does the job exactly!

Hmmm see I don't kow if cubase hase these crazy features (however I would kind of be surprised isn't cubase known for having pretty dope midi shit?)

As far as playing drums on the pads: It's a little hard to do it your doing faster shit I mean I only use 2 fingures cause it seems to simulate drums the best.

Oh and as far as a example yeah sure I can post one :). Gimmie till Moday cause I only have a shitty connection here at work (I work overnights).
Cubase has randomize functions...for "position" and velocity" which can be useful if used with small variations. I tend to adjust each position/velocity manually though as those functions sometimes produce weird results.

It can be painstaking to do it all by hand, but that's just how I prefer to work and I have the time to do so.
My tip - don't use the hardest hits unless you want to imply the ABSOLUTE hardest hits. Most of the time a drummer is nowhere near their maximum intensity.

I usually keep the velocity around 100 to 110 max with an occasional harder hit and alot of softer ones. That was a breakthrough for me in realism.
For blast beat snares and fills I like to keep the velocities down around 50 to 60.

Alot of people program with almost all their hits at or close to 127 because the hard hits sound good. That's a surefire way to sound like a machine.
True story: I've had DFHS for, what, 4 months now. I was using Sonar 5, couldn't get the hits to line up right with other tracks. Yesterday, I installed SONAR 6, and BAM! IT WORKS! I AM JUST GETTING STARTED!:lol: By the way SONAR 6 is SOOO RAD! AUDIO SNAP!!!!
