Making list of Equipment for a studio


Producer/Mixing Engineer
Jul 18, 2006
hi guys!
im starting studio now
just made a quick list of what i need:


API 500-6B x2
API 512C x12

or two Seventh Circle Chasis with 12 N72 preamps
or any combination with Vintech 473 (great on everything...)


Shure SM57x6 (Snare Top/Bottom,Toms, Hat; Guitar/Bass)
AKG D112 x1 (Kick/Bass)
Neuman K184 x2 (OHs)
Neumann TLM-103x2 or x1 (if there will be enough money)

Shure SM7 - vox

(12 channels total)

as for the interface i think FF800...

any ideas? or substitutions?
so am i seeing this right that you're gonna drop thousands of dollars on preamps, only to use 1/2 of them to provide gain to 57's?

in other words...less $$ on the pres, more $$ on mics if i were you
I'd replace a few SM57s with i5s, but that's because I'm a wanker.

If you don't feel like having more hardware (compressors come to mind, because the Distressor is on *far* too many of my favorite vocal tracks) I can't think of anything else - apart from the obvious stuff like cables (make your own!), room treatment, and things like that.

I would get 3x3124's rather than two full lunchboxes, but for that $ I would probably get a 3124 and a crane song spyder (sounds rad, great a/d, great bling factor).
Honestly though the above concerns about your mic variety are valid.
Rather than a single 103 I would get a pair of 4050's.
I would get any kick mic that isn't the d-112 and I would find the money for some 421's.
Personally I'd change the D112 for something else. Hate that mic.

Maybe swap out 2 of your 57's for I5's (love I5's on snare!)

To be honest though, if you're spending that kinda money then I would think you'd have enough experience to know what you need rather than asking on here?
a metric halo uln8 is worth considering...amazing A/D and D/A and 8 fantastic pres. All in one unit.
Audix: i5 snare/d2 rack toms/d4 floor toms/d6 kicks.
Shure: sm7 hi hats
OktavaMod: Mk-012 overheads

I honestly don't think the Neumanns will be significantly better than modded Oktava MK-012's. Save yourself a thousand bucks and get something more "important."

The Fireface 800 is a winner.
421s.. too MUCH mids??
they're scooped as fuck.
They do sound a bit wierd i know, but its how they work with everything else that is the reason they're such a standard. I've yet to find a better mic on toms. except maybe the 441 sometimes.

Placement is Crucial with these things, and ive found recently that on toms they benefit from being in quite close and at very odd angles.
Do you really need 12channels of APi?? Have you tested them and know that its your cup of tea for all inputs?? Shure they are awesome on drums, guitars but i wouldnt say they fit all??
Maybe 4-6ch of API and get a Neve 1073 for vocals etc??

I didnt spend that much $ on preamps, i focused on getting good microphones at first to my studio.
So if I where you, and if you're not on unlimited budget i would only by a 4ch. High end Preamp (API 3124+ for example)
and then buy a mid end preamp for the rest (Octopre LE??)
The mics are the first thing that captures the source, so it will effect the sound the most.

I can really recommend the Peluso 2247LE for vocals,kick, guitars, hell it works on anything :)
And for HiHat , Oktava mk 012 (would prefer em over the 184 for overheads actually)

And dont forget to get your rooms treated, i've just spend about $15k on my studio (materials etc)

the api is a great pre. I'd happily record with 16 channels of that.
or 16 channels of chandler tg,
or 16 channels of great river.

moving or changing the mic will make more of a difference than changing the pre on a single source, but how they blend together, and how they take eq is a big part of the sound.
and yes the api is great on everything.
More different mics, maybe. A larger variety of pres would be a great idea and GREAT room treatment and AMAZING monitoring to actually hear those great pres and mics you'll get.
421s are very thin sounding to my ears when ive previously done direct comparisons to both 57s and e904s and e604s on toms!! id second the 3124 api pres instead of lunchboxing that shit!! the 1073 is a cracking pre, however the results ive gotten for overheads arent the best when coupled with the likes of 414s, too much top end, it starts becoming brittle!!

deffo scrap the idea of the 112, i hate the thing, unless im using it as reinforcement to another mic, id say beta 52, d6 or 902/602 if you want more pronounced 'click' as it were