making transitions so one song flows into the next?


Dec 25, 2009
Ok, so I am about to get the final versions of the songs my band recorded and I want to make some transitions so the songs flow into eachother when played back.

I am guessing i should import all the songs into one project and then go about making the transitions for each song. However, what would be the best way to mix it down then? Should i just make cuts where each track would end/start and then export the audio file? or is there an easier way to do this. Hope I am even explaining this clearly haha
exporting multiple clips and burning them that way will create some clipping at the joint, you might not notice on a loud part but it will be annoying on a quiet or ambiant part. You better get a mastering software that can crossafde tracks, set track indexes and then burn your CD.
Ok, so I am about to get the final versions of the songs my band recorded and I want to make some transitions so the songs flow into eachother when played back.

I am guessing i should import all the songs into one project and then go about making the transitions for each song. However, what would be the best way to mix it down then? Should i just make cuts where each track would end/start and then export the audio file? or is there an easier way to do this. Hope I am even explaining this clearly haha

the new A Plea for Purging album was transitioned exactly like this. There was a separate session made just for song transitions. Then i just mixed down the songs to where the was no gap between tracks so it flows from track to track seamlessly.
Unfortunately pro tools was adding an extra 20ms silence at the beginning of each song, so i had to deal with that when mastering
here is a quick sample. Pretty much the end on one song and the transition into the next. the second songs starts at 32 seconds. So pretty much if I had these two songs in a session I would split it where I want and export separately. Did you have problems with any noise or pops when you did this brian?

really rough haha test 1.mp3