Question on exporting my mastered tracks

Old Man Doom

Dec 9, 2012
This is a somewhat specific question, so I couldn't really find any answers on other threads.

I recently mastered and bounced my latest album down to a 20 minute single stereo WAV. I imported it into Logic and split each of the songs into regions back-to-back (mainly because many of the tracks have outros that fade/bleed into the next song's intro). I then applied crossfading to each of the tracks.

Now, here's my question: Should I use Logic's "export region as audio file" function to export each of the songs to my HD? I would be uploading each song (exported as WAVs) to Bandcamp afterwards.

Is there anything of which I need to be aware? The stereo album track is already dithered. Technically, each of my cut-up regions would just be dithered audio with added crossfades at the start and end point. I want to think it's that simple but I feel like there's something I'm overlooking.
