MAKROTHUMIA - The Rit of Individuation


Be still, O wand'rer!
Apr 26, 2002

Some of you may not know about this release. I first heard this on a CD-R that lurch70 burned for me, and I think Erik has also heard this. Interestingly enough, if you do a google search for it, you will only find a total of 9 results - 2 of which point to this forum, and another that links to my top ten list of 2003 where I mentioned it in connection with Negura Bunget....

...for those not in the know, MAKROTHUMIA are a progressive death/doom band featuring both Negru and Hupogrammos Disciple. I'm listening to it right now, and I think I like it more now than ever. It was released by Bestial Records (003) and is only available on cassette (as far as I know), and you can get yourself a copy at Supernal Music.

I highly recommend it - it's extremely well crafted, where the band obviously took their time piecing it together. Great atmosphere, fantastic musicianship (particularly the bass work), and just a solid hidden gem overall. They were supposed to follow it up with "The Alchemy of Art", but I don't think it ever saw the light of day.

Anyway, there you have it. Go buy it - I'm sure it's already a collectors item. :)
not a bad release ... they do sing in English and are a 6 piece band if i remember correctly. released back in '97
you'll definetelly hear some Negura in there ... but overall not my cup of tea.
Translations of Negurã Bunget stuff is like "The dark fog drifts across the ancient pinecovered mountain landscapes" and such. That particular one I just made up, but you get my point
Through the Deepness of the Fir Tree Heights (unofficial
translation of ‘N crugu bradului)
Open gates of wind, a whistle slowly crawling in
Locked winter, greened forests.
Black and white are blending secretly untwining time
The drop falls, splitting the rock,
The round dance starts to circle untwining waters; the strong ice
Which has long traveled, from the rocky mountain's heart;
A sign: the beginning of time. By itself. On the chosen path.
At the forest's heart, in the wind's whispering,
In the rock's shadow… a sculptured face on the heights of
Ceahlau Mountain

Yes, something like that
I actually was on M-A today clicked the link for these guys, but by the time I was about to post about them. I see this thread. I will check out :kickass: