Malmsteen about other guitarists

Hahahahaha awesome! Pretty ridiculous, I love how there is something in here to offend everybody. Malmsteen is the man, just doesn't give one fuck. Honesty at it's best. To be honest I think about 90% of his criticism is valid hahahah. I love how he didn't really "get" Jeff Beck's playing. Yeah that dude a legend, and it BECAUSE of how out of tune and "wrong" he played. Thats a signature Jeff Beck trait that people have been trying to cop forever, and almost nobody can do it tastefully as he can.
Well... Malmsteen's a twat, and no doubt that I would hate him personally, but he's one hell of a guitarist and Rising Force is probably one of the best shredder albums ever to be released.

edit: and he's terribly wrong about lars ulrich being a great drummer :D
Hilarious ! It doesn't even matter if he talks shit or not most guitar players wouldn't have the balls to say that stuff about their peers .
He's somewhat a twat but I like this aspect of his personality, someone had to be like this, and it's so entertaining (and sometimes - if not often :lol: - he was kinda right and it made me laugh that he would say those thing out loud without giving a single fuck). Always a funny read :lol:

About his music, there are a few ones that I enjoy in his most well known albums, of course in Rising Force. I don't really get people who say he has "no" soul, this is just not true in my opinion, or at least exagerated. His way of playing fast licks while making them sound mellow is unique in the world. His old overdriven fender tone was eargasm as well, I wonder how he plays and sounds now ?
I just wanted to emphasize this part, cause it's so damn true, so fucking damn true :lol:

(about metallica) :

Overall, the band has a great sound. But I think the lead guitar player [Kirk Hammett] is not very good. He can play fast, and is pretty good at it. But his choice of notes and sense of pitch are very bad. I don't think that he plays with musicality, or plays in tune. Rather than lifting the song, his solo seems to be an anticlimax.
Although I think most, if not all of us, will all freely admit that Kirk is objectively a bad guitarist, but is the Fade To Black solo really an "anticlimax".....really.....?
Although I think most, if not all of us, will all freely admit that Kirk is objectively a bad guitarist, but is the Fade To Black solo really an "anticlimax".....really.....?

Nope, metallica's solos are among my favourite, but still a funny comment nonetheless and it's also true that when you listen through the notes and hear kirk's playing, it gives a "meh" feeling (even for fade to blak imo, while it's one of my favorite ones ever and my first serious one as a guitarist). That's why I try not to give any attention to kirk's playing when I listen to a metallica old song, so that I can enjoy it properly.
A lot of the stuff he says is out of tune.... isn't.

Than you probably just can't hear it. He isn't talking about people playing GUITARS that are out of tune, he is talking about PEOPLE playing out of tune. In their bending and vibrato, the intonation of their hands. And it's coming from the guy who always ALWAYS has the most perfectly in tune bends and sweet ass vibrato.

For the malmsteen haters: solo at 3:34, come on you just can't fuck with that! No "feel" my ass! Not to mention that main riff of the song being pretty kickass.
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I used to study Malmsteen's playing religiously as a teen. Even back then, with an 'untrained' ear it was obvious that the dude's wailing and command of the instrument was absolute.

A lot of the guitarists I work with unfortunately come from studying guys like Hammett, which always makes tracking an interesting experience. Makes you wonder how pansy-vibrato and horrible bends ever became the fashion.