Malmsteen about other guitarists

Fabulous article. Refreshing to hear someone call it as they seem it but in a clear analytical fashion.
Find it hard to believe someone with perfect pitch would recycle the same soloing licks over and over again like that. Just seems like with an ear like that, you could come up with something new each time.
But perhaps perfect pitch doesn't necessarily equate to creativity, heh.
You certainly don't need perfect pitch to bend in tune and do vibrato well.

As for what he said about Joe Satriani, guys you need to remember Yngwie, almost with Vai, went on G3, which was Joe's brainchild in the first place.
I have no doubt all 3 guys have nothing but the utmost respect for each others talents.
Apparently these days he's chilled out a lot and has lot a lot of that arrogance he used to have.
Than you probably just can't hear it. He isn't talking about people playing GUITARS that are out of tune, he is talking about PEOPLE playing out of tune. In their bending and vibrato, the intonation of their hands. And it's coming from the guy who always ALWAYS has the most perfectly in tune bends and sweet ass vibrato.

For the malmsteen haters: solo at 3:34, come on you just can't fuck with that! No "feel" my ass! Not to mention that main riff of the song being pretty kickass.

+1.........(You don't remember, I'll never forget) pure feeeeeling!
+1 to what he said about Beck.

+0.5 to what he said about Anselmo (i would love it if Pantera released some instrumental versions of their most popular songs).
I used to dig his music when I was a kid. Nowadays, his solos sound more like a nonsensical harmonic minor diarrhea to me and honestly I prefer Jeff Beck slightly out of tune playing, but I always liked how brutally honest (and cocky) he is.
Perfect pitch is mostly about being able to identify a note without reference. I met a girl once who was able to tune my guitar one string after the other without comparing them or using an other source, just because it "doesn't sound right until it is".
But you don't need it to be perfectly in tune. The fact is that most people who have perfect pitch (most of the time violin/viola/cello players who have started the instrument as a kid) also have a more acurate sense of pitch.

Anyway, just listened to that solo, and yeah although he always uses the same tricks and harmonic scales, his liquid feeling and awesome bends and vibrato are just gold. I like strong vibratos. I wish I could do his bends, but I think you cannot sound even remotely close to that without a fender, and it sounds like strings are quite loose, aren't they ?

About hammet again... Yeah, he has one of the most horrible vibrato ever. It actually sounds like the vibrato of a beginner who is overdoing it, and he manages to do it out of tune.
I agree with a good 90% of Yngwie's comments.

+1.........(You don't remember, I'll never forget) pure feeeeeling!

And a BIG +1 to this. His older stuff, back when he actually composed solos, as opposed to just improvising every time, were nothing short of phenomenal. That feeling, that vibrato, that groove...
Was it confirmed that he has perfect pitch? Wouldn't it not matter in most cases where vibrato is used?

Great question. I was going to link to wikipedia but that list that used to be there had been deleted so I started digging for interviews, found surprisingly only one discussing it.

IC: People have been wondering – do you have perfect pitch?

YM: I do. It’s funny because my tennis teacher sometimes hits the tennis racket and goes ‘what note is this?’ and I joke around and say ‘it must be an F#.’ I’d say that I do, but it’s kind of a weird thing at the same time. Relative pitch I have for sure – 1 million percent. Basically, what I do when I sit around watching the TV or something (and I also have the Marshall and my guitars here) and if a commercial comes on or whatever I’ll just pick my guitar up and play what I hear from one time. That’s pretty much the same thing as perfect pitch. But if I was to stand in front of a piano and you hit the note, I might or might not say the right note. What I’m saying is, if you sing a melody, I can play it back at the same time.
I much prefer Michael Romeo when it comes to neclassical stuff tbh...never been a Fan of MAlmsteen's playing r music...not saying he ain't skilled of course

Used to worship Malmsteen as a teenager but I have to agree that Romeo's playing is much more versatile than Yngwie's and it's not always the same old harmonic minor thing.
On the other hand I love Yngwies bluesy solos. I love them both really.
Pointless comment is pointless I guess :lol:
Seems like a lot of members on this forum have perfect pitch too....

... and it sounds like strings are quite loose, aren't they ?

I may be wrong about this (can't be bothered to check it right now) but I remember reading that he uses really light strings (like 08-38 or something similar) and if you take into account that he also tunes down half a step (even more sometimes?) and the short neck scale of his fender guitar then I would say yes, they are pretty fucking loose.
Strats are of course NOT short scale. Also he doesn't use 8s currently but for awhile he was. He's on 9's usually. However yes, light strings, high action.