Man of the King

1) Alexi does NOT suck at guitar.
2) I see no reason for Kalmah to hate COB.
3) AYDY wasn't THAT bad...
4) I'm so sick of listening to people bitch whine and complain about how much they hate the 'new' stuff from their 'ex' fav. bands. It's becoming really trendy. Music evolves and changes. Nobody wants to buy 7 'whoracles'.

5) Well man o the king is def. if you want peace prepare for war. It's funny though, i bet that kalmah was just pokin a little fun at COB, took their SIMPLE ass riff, and turned it into something very kickass.
i stopped concerning myself with CoB when i saw the fucking (edited) video they have for whatever song it is from AYDY. ...its basically old Godsmack with keyboards and solos, and typical CoB (yeah, i went there). i dont know why they put albums out when they dont have anything NEW to offer. alexi's still a good guitarist. not my fav, and im certainly not obsessed, especially after seeing that video:Puke:, but u can tell he knows what he's doing. shit they are all good musicians and they are capable of so much more. they just need some time to realize this. apparently Kalmah's realized this. thats why Kalmah's just overall better. thats it. end of story. i dont make the rules, i just enforce them... :cool:
btw what song from the new CoB were you guys tlaking about? I have 2albums of CoB and never cared for them, kind of a waste of money if you ask me.
Arkhon said:
btw what song from the new CoB were you guys tlaking about? I have 2albums of CoB and never cared for them, kind of a waste of money if you ask me.
In Your Face

  1. AYDY? is THAT bad.
  2. Evolution can only be used when something gets better in any sort of way, which didn't happen.
xMetal_RockerX said:
does it matter? im allowed to have my own opinion about a band.
i know your allowed to have your own opinion, and thats fine you think that way, i just think all the bashing is getting old..just my opinion
xMetal_RockerX said:
does it matter? im allowed to have my own opinion about a band.

use your opinion in a forum away from here. maybe the COB forum?

People are sick of seeing kalmah compared to bodom. Everyone knows the black waltz is better then AYDY, so just shut up...:zombie:
WithoutJudgementJeremy said:
use your opinion in a forum away from here. maybe the COB forum?

People are sick of seeing kalmah compared to bodom. Everyone knows the black waltz is better then AYDY, so just shut up...:zombie:
My opinion is that Man of the King is not directly making fun of COB, but in a way sort of poking fun at themselves, and playing off the criticisms and people who compare Kalmah to COB ... then turning it around and kicking you in the teeth to show you how distinctive and unique the true Kalmah sound is. :)

no one is making fun of nobody that's just your imagination!! the fact that you don't like bodom (or used to like bodom before AYDY?) and you like Kalmah is twisting your mind :P~
If you want peace .. prepare for war's intro ain't da same (not unless you increase the tempo and change the riff!)
I mean With Terminal Intensity's intro is almost da same as heroes to su and that's obvious, does this means that Kalmah is making fun of Kalmah?!
I don't know about the band but I consider it as an insult to say that the intro sound like a song by bodom!! Let's stick to the Ka part hehe
^haha its the exact same riff, only with a tempo change. anyone who plays guitar could tell you that. and if they are making fun of bodom, thats funny. bands always give other bands shit for stuff. so why not make fun of a riff. it's not hurting either bands sales.
My opinion is that they aren't making fun of bodom, they're making fun of the metal community, the little fans that like to compare every melodic bands to bodom after a 30 secs listen.

I see this kid in my head telling himself: "OMG OMG OMG this totally sounds like bodom, OMG OMG OMG!!"

I must be too high.
^yeah i hear that, everybody assumes that all melodic death metal bands are just like bodom, and thats kinda where you get the fans that only listen to bands becuase they think they sound like bodom
The fact that Kalmah is making fun of COB is laughable... Kalmah are musicians, not wannabes, and as musician you can only respect COB. The only reason they'd disrespect them would be if they'd have any bad-blood in the real life... but I dont think so.
Muerte said:
The fact that Kalmah is making fun of COB is laughable... Kalmah are musicians, not wannabes, and as musician you can only respect COB. The only reason they'd disrespect them would be if they'd have any bad-blood in the real life... but I dont think so.
