Mandatory Now Playing

Black Sabbath - Hard Road

I kinda take back what I said about Never Say Die!..... It falls fairly flat after the first few songs...

Peer Günt, finnish rock n roll band. Its commonly called "Finland's Motörhead" here.
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Lucky man, hopefully they play it when they come to New Zealand. It's a beast of a song. I don't get why some people don't like Justice, probably Metallica's best album in my opinion.
Lack of bass, wah solo's are a bit much.... other than that.... :kickass:

One of the highlights of the show :


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I think we got that in Glasgow too, got the whole recording of the show from 'tallica's site. Most awesome addition to my iPod library. I love in 'Nothing Else Matters' you hear the Scottish accents so well hahaha.

But man, K looks old :(