Mandatory Now Playing

Municipal Waste - Upside Down Church
Metallica - Hit the Lights
After that....
Entombed - Left Hand Path
I waned a bit quite simply because the media, shit bands and trendhopping turds had killed it for me. The number of talentless/copycat/same-old-shit-done-worse-than-before bands that are circulating these day is beyond astonishing, and a lot of them are too egotistical to accept any criticism or any pleas to try something new or even try something different so they can stand out from the rest of the crowd. All these kids are bandwagoning thrash because they've heard the media going on about it and making me look fucking stupid in gig queues by going 'WOO YEAH THRASH TITS BEER ZOMBIES THRASH 'TIL DEATH MAAAAAAAN'. Some of them literally listen only to Metallica, Anthrax, Slayer, Exodus and Municipal Waste and have the nerve to call me a poser because I think master of Puppets sucks ass. The media, as usual, got bored of metalcore and decided to jump on thrash for awhile.

Example, here's an analogy for you - imagine scenes are like a balloon right? What the media does is jump on a particular 'trnd' - e.g. metalcore - and start blowing. But they get so carried away with it that they blow it up too much too quickly and the balloon bursts, and then they move onto something else. This is exactly what has happened with thrash, it peaked a year or so ago and now it's on the downturn again - not just because of the music media's balloon habits (they need rehab) but also because of the aforementioned bands who just try to copy everything that's been done before only to sound like mud. This is why Bloodbrawl was always going to be death-thrash, simply because there's a total of maybe three bands in the world doing it right now - you look around the unsigned scene in the Uk at least, and all you'll find (bar the bands like Seregon, Mutant and HOD) are clones of Anthrax, Slayer, Exodus and Municipal Waste. Maybe you'll get the occasional Sacred Reich annabe here and there too, an that's pretty much it. Do't get me wrong, someof these bands do it really well and I'm fine with that, but it's the shitty bands who are killing it. My 'defection' to death metal was admittedly partially due to these circumstances, but it was also something that was natural fo me as I've never delved in death metal that much beforehand -and once you've exhausted the heaviest thrash there is, where else do you go? Not counting Demolition Hamer of course, tha's the heaviest shit in (tortured) existence. But after deciding to give some Razor a spin the past few days, I remembered why I love this band - because whils Sheepdog was in the band at least, they were very unique. He may be a dick, but Dave Carlo has a very distinctive style and has written some of the best riffs of all time. And then there's Stace McLaren who is one of the best screamers ever, so maybe I'll ride the thrash out for awhile longer. These crap bands, stupid kids and retarded magazines are like your drunk aunt at your wedding; all youcan do is just stay on the sidelines and pray to god that someone makes them go away.

On that note;

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Maybe so, but stopping liking a scene because it becomes popular is a pretty wanky thing to do... just be happy that there are bands who want to play thrash at all! For every kid who listens to the big four and thinks he knows everything about thrash there's also one who's discovering Heathen, then Kreator, then Paradox, then Onslaught, and on, and on... And for all the boring thrash clones there are also younger bands like Mutant and Vektor doing cool stuff, and there will always be new, good, interesting thrash bands coming along.

Also, the Death Metal scene is just a big fucking clique. People who think they're l33t just because they listen to bands with logos that no-one can read. It's a load of crap. And don't tell me there aren't thousands of dull, boring, utterly uninspired Death Metal clones out there, because there are, and they are WAY more prevalent than the thrash ones. Every city in the UK has billions of shitty death bands...
You didn't actually read my post did you?

I didn't 'stop liking a scene because it became popular', I grew tired of it because it was being watered down with shite by idiots. If there's not enough new stuff, then I'm going to lose interest. On top of that, I did point out that there were bands like Mutant who are exceptions to the shity bands rule since Mutant, Seregon, H.O.D and Vektor (and Evile) are actively trying stuff that no one else is going for, the problem is that they're few and far between. Read more carefully next time.

As for death metal, I don't tend to go for the generic 'tune low and chug' stuff - I'm more for the early 90s death metal like Barnes-era Cannibal Corpse, early Morbid Angel, Deicide, Gorguts and Benediction. I'm uninvolved with the death metal scene in the UK bar Neuroma, who are amazing.

Should've gone to specsavers.
You didn't actually read my post did you?

I didn't 'stop liking a scene because it became popular', I grew tired of it because it was being watered down with shite by idiots. If there's not enough new stuff, then I'm going to lose interest. On top of that, I did point out that there were bands like Mutant who are exceptions to the shity bands rule since Mutant, Seregon, H.O.D and Vektor (and Evile) are actively trying stuff that no one else is going for. Read more carefully next time.

As for death metal, I don't tend to go for the generic 'tune low and chug' stuff - I'm more for the early 90s death metal like Barnes-era Cannibal Corpse, early Morbid Angel, Deicide, Gorguts and Benediction. I'm uninvolved with the death metal scene in the UK bar Neuroma, who are amazing.

Should've gone to specsavers.

I did read it Dave, or I wouldn't have replied. I'm just saying I'm sad that you've lost your passion, and was offering arguments as to why the scene isn't as bad as you make it out to be.

There are shite bands in every genre. Every genre is 'watered down' by uninspired clones when it become popular. That's no reason to stop liking a genre. I just rememeber when you were thrashman #1 who was always trawling the archives to find underrated old bands. At the end of the day, who gives a fuck about if a band is new or old? There are certainly enough old bands to keep you going without ever worrying about whether new stuff is shit or not... when was the last time you listened to Depressive Age? Or Shah? Or Kruiz?

Fuck, I don't know why I bother, you're the worst person to argue with in the world. You always just end up going 'HA HA YOU'RE WRONG AND I DON'T CARE FUCKFACE'. Forget it...
I didn't mean to come across like I'm attacking you... I'm just saying I hate trying to argue with you, it's pointless, because you never ever back down, and you do have a tendency to try and make the person you're arguing with look like a dick. I'm sorry. I didn't mean to get personal...