Mandatory Now Playing

FM-84 - Goodbye (feat. Clive Farrington)

Since that Cyberpunk 2077 Night City Wire stream a few days ago, I've been in a massive synthwave binge. Anyone else on here listen to that kind of stuff?
Children of Bodom - Bodom after Midnight

I don't listen to Follow the Reaper as often as I used to but I usually listen to it twice in a row when I do.
Children of Bodom - Bodom after Midnight

I don't listen to Follow the Reaper as often as I used to but I usually listen to it twice in a row when I do.

Oh my God, YES. I know how you feel, I absolutely love Follow the Reaper. Love the first album too but Follow is probably their best.


Wintersun - Winter Madness

Wish Jari had just carried on in the vein of this album... instead he's kind of lost me on his new stuff