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FUCK YES. I'm a bit nervous about the new direction, but I'm sure it'll still be badass!

Yoko Shimomura - Roxas
FUCK YES I cannot wait to hear the new stuff!!! I'm imagining Evile but amped up, darker, more agressive "like" Warbringer, but Evile... so basically ultra good. I'm super hype - Ol's gonna knock it outta the park. Ben's a fucking monster. I have so much faith in this band, Skull is their best in my opinion, and I think V will top it and make us, and Matt and Mike proud. :kickass:
Sodom - Conqueror

:kickass::headbang: Anyone else excited about the prospect of new Evile tunes?

I really am. Every snippet I've heard/seen from Ol and Ben have been fantastic, and my expectations are high with their new record deal. I just hope Ol can handle vocals, considering how shredded Matt's body went after all he been through. Also, never saw him as a melodic vocalist but again, we can only wait.
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