
they trust the Label. in many cases, the label behind an album is a trademark of Quality.
I mean: if you buy a DISCHORD album, you know what you get, or if you check a COLD MEAT INDUSTRY cd, etc...
with code666 we want to achieve that status 8and we still need to work a lot for this...)
PLUS there are now many easy ways to hear new bands with mp3, etc... so if you like a label, just check some mp3 of the upcoming releases and you'll know everything you need to buy or not a cd.
Personally, I feel those two/three-word genre definitions (like BLACK RITUAL METAL) often does more harm than good. It's better with some sentences describing the actual sound and direction, don't you think? With, for example, BLACK RITUAL METAL I kinda think of bands like old Rotting Christ, Absu or Mortuary Drape and I know you used that for Maldoror... But, on the other hand, I have no simple marketing-scheme that works better in mind, so...
hi mate, i thought you decided to leave this gay forum to visit some better "true to evil" coven somewhere in hellhole.
btw, it's great to hear another incredible dose of intelligence from you! please, check the end of the world on your mind soon..... take care!
i think it is funny that as life-affirming pro-christinAnity humanists you adopt the 666 in your name

further, i find it even funnier that you embrace mainstream music with heavy distortion, peddle it off as meddle @ high profit margin, very appropriate considering the barcode logo.


considering i have released CD's and vinyls.......
i know for a fact that if you have a press run of x2000 plus, unless you are paying your bands royalties on the order of $3+ per, that your unit cost is under $5 a piece.

on the other hand, i sell my releases at the same price (give or take), from a pro-cd run that is 200 pieces only. i guarantee my unit costs are higher. - i sell at cost. you sell for profit.

i release metal in the spirit of spreading it, you release 'metal' to exploit it.

Fukk off.
the band informed us about the tracklist of the new "Vilosophe" album.

-nodamnbrakes [one >> zero]
-diving with your hands bound [nearly flying]
-white devil black shroud
-terminus a quo/terminus ad quem
-death of the genuine
-the hardest of comedowns
sorry Michele, i'm too busy and too jealous of my preccciousss treasure, bu I promise, i will do it sooner or later....

btw, the new Canaan is fucking great indeed!!!
I've got some old Ras Algethi stuff and, I guess, the 1st Canaan album, and I really like their stuff. I wrote (the oldfashioned pen&paper way) with Mauro back 6 or 7 yrs ago and he's a cool guy with an open mind for music and artwork. Which suits Manes fine... I haven't heard any of their newer stuff, though... I'm gonna check it out. But I have heard some of the new Atrox (yukyuk?) and y'all must - once again - await a fukking audio icecream from Trondheim!!