MANIFEST, former known as TYRANNY. Live clip and promotion.


blastfucker of Manifest
Mar 7, 2006
Hey guys, it's been a while since i was here.

Some of you might remember i played in a band called Tyranny, from Sweden, and posted our MySpace URL here, now the URL is changed since we changed name to Manifest ;

and the music video for the song Divinity ;

Recently we recorded a show to our new Live DVD. And i'll upload 3 of the 6 songs from the DVD as a preview, the audio is from the cameras this time, but we did record the whole show through the studio, and that version will be added on the actual DVD.

So here it is! :

Divinity :

Drowning in thorns :

Caught Devouring :
Uploaded 2 new songs from the DVD, check first post.
Both songs on your myspace are fuckin awesome.

Sorta remind me of Hypocrisy.
Har letat efter mer låtar från er sen ni först postade här :p

Synd bara att jag är så dålig på att leta :mad:
hey, i know there's a lot more of you jäger drinking guys out there, drop in a comment, will ya