manliness + snus

Hell Mike

fuck melodic black metal
Aug 22, 2003
Am I the only one who loves this combination? It just flat out fucking works, almost as well as shitty beer + thrash metal. Granted, stuff like Darkthrone is always great with some form of alcohol, but I've noticed listening to the real introspective and/or blasphemous stuff through headphones with a snus or two of general sitting in the dark really opens up the greatness of some of this stuff.

Discuss this shitty parody thread as well as snus yeah :kickass: .
I tried Ettan lös and portion while I was in Swedenland. It smells like shit, it tastes like shit, and it stings your lip for a while. And it really, really, smells like shit. I don't like snus.
Snus isn't bad, got some from a friend in Germany who did a lot of moving about Northern Europe. On the other hand I've been doing Copenhagen since I was thirteen, so my lip is dead/numb.