Manowar-Gods of War

I saw their new video recently ... one word .. embarrassing!!! They are without a doubt the gayest band in metal .. awful, awful, awful band.

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I saw their new video recently ... one word .. embarrassing!!! They are without a doubt the gayest band in metal .. awful, awful, awful band.


I just watched the video and saw nothing "gay" about it. Looked pretty metal to me. You may not like them but I don't know why that video made the band gay. By no means am I a huge Manowar fan but I wouldn't say they are awful. They would "die for metal"! :headbang:
Whilst we debate the "cheese factor" of Manowar..... do they stack up against Thor? Someone's bound to remember Thor after all! :lol:

Manowar's "Fighting the World" is still one of the greatest metal albums, evah!

Manowar still has one of the greatest TV interviews on the old Headbanger's Ball. It was one of the early episodes with that corny guy hosting (not Ricky Rachtman) and the guy was asking them something, I think about Metal in general, and all the other bands out there (glam?), and Joey has a small rant on glam and then says something like, "Manowar don't run around with a bunch of fruits on our pants and dressing like girls, we're all Metal." then he stands up and does a Hulkamania style shirt tear off, great stuff!

If someone has that upload to YouTube, classic!

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Doesn't this album have upwards of 24 minutes of instrumental music? I mean, that's a bit overdone particularly if you're Manowar. Honestly, I thought this was their strongest cd yet when they did a song with lyrics (we are talking about the new one, right?) although it was very mellow throughout.
It's the fact that Manowar cranks out more cheese in one song than Wisconsin does all year, that keeps Adams out of many conversations about Metal's best vocalist. He is this band's saving grace. Without his Valhalla blessed pipes, Manowar would be unbearable (not that I listen to them much any more).

Manowar's music is like those big Hollywood blockbusters; you just need to turn your brain off and suspend reality.

MANOWAR fucking rocks! Lighten up, people. I ask this all of the time. Why can't metal just be fun? MANOWAR is loud, fun, cheesy goodness. Get over it.
Why can't metal just be fun in regards to Manowar...because Manowar is seemingly very serious about what they do. I don't think they do things with tongue in cheek humor in mind. Maybe it's all part of the gag for them to come off all serious about the stuff they churn out? I dunno .. maybe I just don't get it?

Manowar's "Fighting the World" is still one of the greatest metal albums, evah!
I liked it back in the day as well, but the real serious Manowar fans rank that one among their worst. Looking back on that disc now it's full of filler, but there are some decent tunes to be found ... Blow Your Speakers isn't one of them unfortunately.

I liked it back in the day as well, but the real serious Manowar fans rank that one among their worst. Looking back on that disc now it's full of filler, but there are some decent tunes to be found.
Two great songs ("Violence and Bloodshed" + "Black Wind, Fire and Steel") and a bunch of average to below average songs.

Two great songs ("Violence and Bloodshed" + "Black Wind, Fire and Steel") and a bunch of average to below average songs.

I'd say you got that about right. I also like the title track, Carry On, and Defender to various degrees. The rest is pretty much throw away stuff, but that's typical for Manowar. They have a lot of weak tunes.

I liked it back in the day as well, but the real serious Manowar fans rank that one among their worst. Looking back on that disc now it's full of filler, but there are some decent tunes to be found ... Blow Your Speakers isn't one of them unfortunately.

I've never heard one "true" MANOWAR fan ever rank this album one of the worst...ever. The Triumph of Steel on the other hand is the one to hold this distinction.
I've never heard one "true" MANOWAR fan ever rank this album one of the worst...ever. The Triumph of Steel on the other hand is the one to hold this distinction.
It's been a long time since I paid much attention to what the Manowar fans had to say, but I recall them back a few years ago referring to Fighting The World as Manowar's sell out album. Maybe I'm wrong ... Personally I'd rank that disc as my favorite Manowar album, but at the time I liked Poison, Cinderella, and a lot of other gay ass bands.
