Manowar-Gods of War

When it comes to MANOWAR on this board or any other I will defend them to the death because I'm 38 years old and grew up on this band all through high school to present day. Apparently they must be doing something right to headline countless European festivals year after year. If you don't like the music or them personally then form your own band and try to accomplish even half of what they have done.
When it comes to MANOWAR on this board or any other I will defend them to the death because I'm 38 years old and grew up on this band all through high school to present day. Apparently they must be doing something right to headline countless European festivals year after year. If you don't like the music or them personally then form your own band and try to accomplish even half of what they have done.
There's a lot of junk bands that have found great success. Manowar isn't unique in that manner. To each his own .. if you love them .. great. It's all good.

Ain't that the truth! I grew up on AC/DC through Jr. High & Highschool, but even I can admit that just about everything after FTATR, is pretty stale.

Same goes for Manowar, tried it, didn't care for it, and I will make fun of it as long as they keep feeding me material...... :)

I think I'm banned from participating in any PoS threads here....... :D
I've never ragged or belittled any one else's tastes in bands here, but maybe I should begin since everyone else here seems to get away with it.
I was bagging on the band .. not getting personal with anyone. Don't take the criticism of a band so personally. Different strokes for different folks .. ya know. I went back to see if maybe I happened to get too personal with any of my posts ... I didn't.

No, no. That's not what I meant at all. What I meant is that everyone likes what they like and who am I to degrade someone's favorite bands? But yet, that seems to happen here quite a bit whether in a nice manner or not so nice. One man's junk is another man's treasure.
No, no. That's not what I meant at all. What I meant is that everyone likes what they like and who am I to degrade someone's favorite bands? But yet, that seems to happen here quite a bit whether in a nice manner or not so nice. One man's junk is another man's treasure.
Alright I got ya ... I normally wouldn't jump into someone's thread, and belittle a band, but I also didn't expect the new Manowar disc to be getting high praise. I saw that new video the other day, and though it was a truly awful song, so I was suprised to hear any praise coming Manowar's way. I should probably be a little more thoughtful next time.

Who is this band taht hath stolen my name? Sounds like something I'd be into :) I've been following them since the beginning - when they were pretty different from a lot of the other metal bands around. They have fallen into a rut of late - too many "chanty/sing-a-long" songs and not utilizing the talents of the guys in the band enough in my opinion (especially Eric Adams - prolly my favorite metal vocalist of all time) but I will stick with them til the bitter end. They have always treated me with class and respect and a lot of my best memories come from either their music or their shows.
That said - I can do without the overblown production, and narratives - hell, they went in and laid down the tracks for Into Glory Ride & Hail to England all in a couple of weeks total. I'd love to see them get back to some of the more ripping stuff - but they have bills to pay to - and it must be selling somewhere.
Anyway - next tuesday will be a good day for me - new Manowar and Saxon coming out - wont be the most productive day at the office :)

I have said it before and I will say it again. There needs to be a sticky thread here for Manowar bashing.

I am 38 and have listened to this band since Battle Hyms. I will always like them because they were part of my youth. However, I can certainly see why others don't and I don't really take issue with those who don't like them. I get that they are cheesy and over the top with the "metal" thing and they dress funny and Joey is a loud mouth and all that. I get it. But I still love them.

I would have a hard time trying to get into them today if I had never heard of them. Oh well. To each his own. Oh....BTW.....for a gay metal band, they sure do have allot of scattered ass around all the time. If that is what you get with a gay metal band then sign me up!
I've never ragged or belittled any one else's tastes in bands here, but maybe I should begin since everyone else here seems to get away with it.
Didn't you just tell us all to lighten up? I think you may be taking this thread a bit seriously. It's unfair to expect an entire forum to be nothing but positive, about any band. I don't even know what the point would be in reading a forum with no counterpoint.

Personally, I don't care much who likes the bands I like. If people want to rag all day and night on Nevermore, let them. It only means they have bad taste.:loco:

As for Manowar, you're old enough to know that being a Manowar fan means taking some grief on the boards. If it gets to be too much, just run outside, raise your fists in the air, grab your left wrist with your right hand and start chanting, "Death to False Metal".:kickass:
