Manowar-Gods of War

For starters, why must metalheads in general refer to bands they dislike as "gay?" That sounds like sophomoric bullshit to me. The word "gay" should not be used as an insult.

That said, I've had it with Manowar. They treat their American fans like shit, they insult all of their fans by putting out the same album over and over, and they're absolutely atrocious live. To make matters worse, they think the world of themselves for doing so. That new video is a joke, much like the four pompous assholes who performed the music for it. I can't believe it took me as long as it did to grow out of this band.

Stay metal. Never rust.
For starters, why must metalheads in general refer to bands they dislike as "gay?" That sounds like sophomoric bullshit to me. The word "gay" should not be used as an insult.

That said, I've had it with Manowar. They treat their American fans like shit, they insult all of their fans by putting out the same album over and over, and they're absolutely atrocious live. To make matters worse, they think the world of themselves for doing so. That new video is a joke, much like the four pompous assholes who performed the music for it. I can't believe it took me as long as it did to grow out of this band.

Stay metal. Never rust.
To me "gay" just means they are lame, and kind of suck .. although they have worn some pretty homoerotic costumes in the past.

On every metal board it's always the same old responses from unintelligent Americans, ManOwaR are gay, they wear loincloths, etc,etc. Most of these people have never listened to ManOwaR and have only ever seen those few shitty pictures from the early to mid eighties when they did wear some dodgy clothes. They haven't worn loincloths for 20 odd years now and they are most certainly not gay. ManOwaR are one of the very few bands that genuinely care about their fans and really go against the grain of the trendy bullshit that dominates our scene. No one takes them seriously, Eric Adams (one of metals finest vocalist) certainly takes it as being a bit tongue in cheek. I like ManOwaR, I listen to them because I like the basic, but very catchy balls out metal tunes. The Triumph Of Steel is a fantastic album (hence my user name). People throughout Europe love them (They easily headline 60000+ festivals) because they are less concerned with image, being cool in Europe and are not ashamed of listening to something because they like it. In short, people listen to ManOwaR because they enjoy brain out, cheesy, good time,good metal. No other reason. To all the people that always post ManOwaR are gay in response to every ManOwaR topic are wasting their time. We like ManOwaR and that's it.
I like Manowar. I second the "it's fun" sentiment. I do think they are talented musicians for the most part, and wish that the media would quit harping on their barbarian clothes from 20 years ago (yeah, they wore them, but look at all the other bands wearing goofy crap at the time). But whatever. I can't make people all like the same thing ;)
For starters, why must metalheads in general refer to bands they dislike as "gay?" That sounds like sophomoric bullshit to me. The word "gay" should not be used as an insult.
If you're running for office or in the work place... probably not. However, if you're describing a bunch of oiled up guys in loin cloths, perhaps it's apt descriptor. Perhaps it would be better to say their wardrobe is heterosexually challenged or vaginally disinclined?:loco:

In all seriousness, from my point of view, language is not the issue, it's all about intent. A person can speak with all the politically correct terms on the planet and still be a racist, an anti-semite or homophobe. .

Don't get me wrong. I own a few Manowar CDs and have seen them live four times. I was half hoping they would get announced for Wacken this year. Seeing them, in that environment, would be a blast.


I have seen them Twice at Ziggy's. ( hole in the wall) It would be cool to see them on a big stage like Wacken. I don't really care much for what Manowar is doing lately or over the last several releases. For me, my like of them is more surrounding the past. ( my youth) I have most of the "older " cd's but am not one of those "fight you till the death" type of board member fans.

Have fun at Wacken! Wish I could join you all. :kickass:
.......but there are better ways to go about expressing your distaste for something than by bashing an entire group of people who really have nothing to do with it. If you didn't like Living Colour, would you call them "my pals metal?" No. Could you still be racist? Possibly. For me, it wasn't a matter of how anyone on this board feels about a particular race, religion, or creed. It's about using tact, which is something that some people on this board lack.

Stay metal. Never rust.