twighlight of the thundergod dvd inside


New Metal Member
Feb 22, 2009
Greetings fellow norns,

i'm in the making of a tattoo of amon on my arm, and i saw some nice ideas for it inside the dvd booklet of twighlight.

But i also saw that there was runic language on it. Now i'm not so good with runic language. I just started studying it, but i wondered.

Is there anyone out there who can tell me what exactly those runic signs mean inside the dvd booklet.
Especially the cirlcle with the mjölnirs inside of it.
I was thinking of doing some artwork around that picture.

So i would like to know what those runes mean inside of that circle and inside the mjölnirs.

thanks guys, it would be really apreciated.
I don't have the dvd :(
But its easy to translate runic letters into latin ones... especially with internet.
yet if the "message" is in some germanic language which you don't speak then you might need some help, yeah.
Google Futhark and take it from there.

Edit: I don't know what runes you refer to either. I have the special edition (large size box) And the bonus CD and DVD are on the back, when you lift them there are three rows of runes. Is that what you mean?

Think they are repeating the same message that is on the clear paper insert, halfway through the box.
Hi guys,
thank u for helping me out.
In the meantime i totally figured it out.
Thanks a lot !

See u guys at whatever AA gig ! :rock: