Did anyone pick up the Slayer DVD today...

ThraxDude said:
I feel your pain. I called Best Buy and they were sold out. I'll have to pick it up after my vacation (if I have any money left.....).

Best Buy in my area was sold out too--what did they have --2 copies????

Jdelpi-- ilovve the song Exile myself.

Look for Slayer on the Jagermeister tour--no dates yet that I am aware of.
It was Slayer so of course it ruled, but two complaints:
the camera angles were just, well, just blah. NFL Films filmed "Live Intervention" and it was incredible, the cinematography of "War at the Warfield" doesn't compare..
Lastly, the documentary "Fans Rule" is an embarrasment to the planet. Yes, it is cool that Scott Ian is in it, but they found the most mindless, numbskull, idiotic fans to interview, and it is quite frankly sad to watch. Other than that, IT RULED BECAUSE IT IS SLAYER.

PS: Rumor has it, that on the Jager tour this fall, they will be playing the ENTIRE Reign In Blood record!!!!!!!!!!!!
TD said:
It was Slayer so of course it ruled,but they found the most mindless, numbskull, idiotic fans to interview, and it is quite frankly sad to watch. Other than that, IT RULED BECAUSE IT IS SLAYER.

PS: Rumor has it, that on the Jager tour this fall, they will be playing the ENTIRE Reign In Blood record!!!!!!!!!!!!

Well what did you expect? Slayer do have the most mindless, numbskull, idiotic fans out of any band, not to mention unnnecessarliy violent!
Slayer are great, a number of their fans are complete knobhead pyschos.

The whole of Reign in Blood?? Yeah right, you can hope, that would be cool though along with half an hour of Seasons.. and South... plus Hell Awaits. Can't see it though.

i absolutely loved that version of Witching Hour they did on the previous video with Robb Flynn, that shredded.
TD said:
It was Slayer so of course it ruled, but two complaints:
the camera angles were just, well, just blah. NFL Films filmed "Live Intervention" and it was incredible, the cinematography of "War at the Warfield" doesn't compare..
Lastly, the documentary "Fans Rule" is an embarrasment to the planet. Yes, it is cool that Scott Ian is in it, but they found the most mindless, numbskull, idiotic fans to interview, and it is quite frankly sad to watch. Other than that, IT RULED BECAUSE IT IS SLAYER.

PS: Rumor has it, that on the Jager tour this fall, they will be playing the ENTIRE Reign In Blood record!!!!!!!!!!!!

ive seen slayer live once and they were mediocre to say the least,although i have seen a bad pantera gig so maybe i will see them live again when they tour downunder next.

as far as getting complete no hopers to have there say,anthrax would love to have there fans,slayer fans never stray lol!
mrthrax said:
ive seen slayer live once and they were mediocre to say the least,although i have seen a bad pantera gig so maybe i will see them live again when they tour downunder next.

as far as getting complete no hopers to have there say,anthrax would love to have there fans,slayer fans never stray lol!

I love Slayer, and they have always been awesome live. Funny, i saw a really shitty Pantera show--the only one. They did a big outdoor show with White Zombie and Pantera sucked monkey balls that day. Phil was about as whiny and annoying as possible and he was all bitchy about other bands. He really ruined the show that day. Every other Pantera show I have seen has been awesome with the focus on the music and the energy--that's about 10 shows or so.

As far as Live recordings--I find that when I have been at a live show--you can never capture the emotion, the fun, and the sound of the actual live show when you are there. Recordings of live shows, IMO, always are lacking.

well, see you don't get it,..... the point of e.b.'s interviewees was to show the other side. it's great hilarity. how about the drunk guy going on and on. by the way i'm in it. i'm the bald guy standin next to the tits. sort of a cameo for me.