Twilight of the Thundergod LTD Boxset

Even if you think bobbleheads are lame. You should see these ones. It finally came yesterday and fuck are they HEAVY. This truly was worth it for such a fantastic album.

Agreed. Mine has already earned a few jealous looks from people who have not even heard about the band :cool: But can see a quality product

Funny story is, when I went to pick it up, I could not help saying out loud "Fuck me that is HUGE!!!!" Guy at the Parcelforce counter looked like he was biting his tongue not to say anything back within earshot of his supervisor... :blush:
I've only seen parts of the DVD, but Asator was awesome!
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In my inbox today from

We're still trying to obtain the following item you ordered on September 15 2008 10:26 PDT:

Amon Amarth (Artist) "Twilight Of The Thunder God (Limited Edition
Bobbleheads Box Set) (2CD/DVD) [Box set] [Special Edition] [Limited

I checked the website and the box set is now listed as unavailable. Anybody else order from Amazon Canada? Any problems/delays? Did the assholes over sell? When I go to my order page on the website, it no longer has an estimated shipping date, but a "We're still trying to locate this for you" statement. I am going to be seriously pissed if I don't get my bobbleheads.
sucks bro, i got mine from metalblade about 50 more dollars but worth it
was going to get it from amazon, since its only 108 and free shipping but dont know, didnt seem to have the same as metalblade options (eg. Lp Picture Disc)
Just got my email from Century Media today saying that they had to cancel my order because they did not receive the required amount from Metal Blade. DEPRESSED. They're still sending the picture disc which is great. The bobble set and picture disc from CM was 120ish. Great price, but oh well. Hopefully my other one comes in from my local cd store. I highly doubt it. If CM didn't get all their orders, why the hell will a local store get it. I should have never canceled my Nuclear Blast order. Dumbass. I would have had that a few weeks ago. I'll shut up now.
Where did you get your box set from?

NB still has some, so I'll probably make that order tomorrow.
I canceled my order with and ordered from instead. Costs more, especially with duties and exchange, but it shipped today so at least I'll get it.
I finally get it, which is awesome, but Fredrik has two broken legs. How's he supposed to pound those double kick beats with two broken legs? It's taken so long to get the damn thing, I don't want to have to send it back. I'll probably end up getting out the Krazy Glue. They're clean breaks, so a repair job will only be noticeable if you're looking for it.

I'll have to line them up on my subwoofer and watch them bang their heads.
got it finally! good album, very good. not as good as WOOOS in my opinion. remember, i've only had a chance to listen to it a couple of times. must put it on now before i hit the books. i'm sure my opinion will change :P