Twilight of the Thundergod LTD Boxset

I have no record on my paypal of this order going through..yet I got a confirmation email from them on aug 8..saying...

This email is to confirm the receipt of your recent order from Metal Blade Records. If paying by Paypal, please sends payments to . Thanks for your order! You can always see your order by going to Date Fri Aug 8 17:49:10 PDT 2008Ship to Blake Mair1223-75 AVE SWCalgary AB T2V 0S8CA Canada403-252-2081Bill to SameE-Mail (emailed)Via First Class MailPayment MasterCardComments Im in Canada, can I still pre-order this? Name Code Qty Each Options-----------------------------------------------------------Amon Amarth "Twilight Of amon3 1 29.99The Thunder God" PictureDisc LP / DigipakPre-Order BundleSubtotal 29.99Shipping 9.00Tax 0.00Total 38.99
True. I'm really satisfied with the service I got from Victorious Merch! When I ordered my boxset, immediatelly I received a confirmation saying that my order was going to be shipped as quickly as possible upon reception of payment. Two days later, when the payment was confirmed, they sent me another email saying that the status of my order changed. And two days later, I received my order at home. I think that buying in Victorious Merch is the best way to support the band.

...And I am not liking EMP either, next time I will order with Victorious Merch, everybody who used them seems to be much happier with the service they got.
True. I'm really satisfied with the service I got from Victorious Merch! When I ordered my boxset, immediatelly I received a confirmation saying that my order was going to be shipped as quickly as possible upon reception of payment. Two days later, when the payment was confirmed, they sent me another email saying that the status of my order changed. And two days later, I received my order at home. I think that buying in Victorious Merch is the best way to support the band.

What? i thought victorious merch doesnt have boxsets ::u-huh:
Mine has not been shipped yet either. and Im in the US so i dont have to worry bout it gettin rejected. Since they took your money and still HAVE your money hopefully we should be gettin out shipment confirmation soon. all I know is I WANT MY BOXSET AND LP NOW!!! :D
I used my bank card. so it means they have my money and I can prove it. :) Come to think of it, when I ordered the other stuff from them (VTW, WotN), I never got an email or anything either, it just showed up.
Mine just got here after I got home today. Attempted delivery at 2pm. Fortunately the depot was still open so I could collect the package.

Man, the bobbleheads are massive :goggly::goggly: I was expecting them to be half the size- not that I am complaining.

But they will not fit in the appointed shelf, next to where I keep my Belgian format hardback comics... which means I need a bigger shelf...:erk:

And watch out... extremely fragile. Had to glue Johan's arm back.:mad: