Manowar touring again?

Hah, why am I not surprised? I hear the guy is really a douche. No wonder this happened to him a few years back:


Once we started talking about Danzig, I knew this would come up. Love the guy's music but some of the things I've heard of how he treats fans, not to mention a number of interviews where he just comes off as a douche really clarifies how much of a jerk the guy is.
Once we started talking about Danzig, I knew this would come up. Love the guy's music but some of the things I've heard of how he treats fans, not to mention a number of interviews where he just comes off as a douche really clarifies how much of a jerk the guy is.

See? Now here's my equation:

Based on my experience, Manowar are douches.

Based on what you've heard, Danzig is a douche.

Everyone knows Manowar's 80s outfit (the leather speedos and the whole attempt at looking TOUGH and METAL), here's a picture of Danzig:


I don't like Manowar's music. I also don't like Danzig's music.

This could only mean one thing:

Apology accepted bro. Not a problem. I honestly do understand what it's like to be so passionate about a band, and as fans (afterall, I am a fan too) we want to promote the band and make the band more popular, and all that. Just yesterday, for instance, I was in the car with my fiancee and I put Kamelot on. She says "This sucks, I really don't like it". Though I do understand that it's just her taste and her opinion, deep inside I'm thinking "ARE YOU FUCKING NUTS?" :lol: I know what it's like, believe me. At one point though, we all must remember that as passionate as we are, the music may not appeal to everyone, and it's pointless to say "You're wrong" or whatever. People may hate a band, but it doesn't mean they're just haters.

I won't be at ProgPower this year, but if you see me next year, make sure to come say hi and introduce yourself. I'll probably tell you "You were a dick, but let's go get a beer together and talk some metal." You can be damn right it'd be a good time. :kickass::kickass:

That'd be awesome to get a beer & talk Metal w/ ya bro! :kickass: :kickass: