Manowar U.S. tour dates

I don't know.. if I have a bunch of disposable income lying around, we may take in the show. I don't think it'll sell out HOB Dallas, since they usually have 2000 tickets available, so I can make a decision later.

Manowar is on 2/16, Metal Church 2/23, and Dark Tranquility on 2/25.. I might have to make a decision here or there and drop one of those.
As Jason said, Manowar is a unique beast. Their fan base is exceptionally loyal. When I saw them in Boston, they asked the crowd how many people were from Massachusetts... about 30% cheered. They asked how many were from out of state... about 50% cheered. They asked how many were from out of the country... about 20% cheered. Most bands would have no reason to even ask that question, much less get such a diversified response.
I and a friend were thinking about going, we liked their 1st few cds back in the day, but once we heard they were looking for $75/ticket decided against it.

I was mainly referring to folks who never go to any shows and refrencing piss poor attendance when bands come through their area for dirt cheap prices.
Remind me to look you up next year....


That's another screen that you owe me, Glenn. :lol::lol::lol:
As Jason said, Manowar is a unique beast. Their fan base is exceptionally loyal. When I saw them in Boston, they asked the crowd how many people were from Massachusetts... about 30% cheered. They asked how many were from out of state... about 50% cheered. They asked how many were from out of the country... about 20% cheered. Most bands would have no reason to even ask that question, much less get such a diversified response.

Exactly! They will lose some ticket sales due to the price, but I'm not sure they are looking for casual fans anyway. I've only seen them once, and that was in Germany, so my experience there is most certainly going to be different than what I'll experience at a US show. But, I've NEVER experienced anything else like that show. Everywhere all over town that day, and the next morning, I saw Manowar t-shirts everywhere. EVERY person at the show was wearing a Manowar shirt. You didn't see a single person wear an Iron Maiden shirt or a Metallica shirt; it was a 100% sea of Manowar shirts. I was wondering if it was a Germany thing and fans there only wore shirts for the band they were seeing, but then I saw Europe the next night and it was a diverse group of shirts being worn just like you'd expect in the USA. I'm not sure how much of this will translate to the USA, but I'm sure that there will be a lot of people traveling to these shows from all over the states and even Europe. They rarely play the USA and the tour is not very big, so I think that they will sell some tickets. Will they sell out every venue? Unlikely, but I really curious to see how much they draw. My guess that these shows will be well attended. They sold out two shows at Agora in Cleveland a couple years ago (first US shows in a long time), at the same prices they are charging for this tour, and that place has a capacity of 2,000.
Gotcha. I honestly think if the fans decided to boycott a Manowar tour due to the obscene prices they charge, it would send a nice message to Mr. MoneyHungryDeMayo.

But it seems that their fans adore getting his balls rubbed all over their faces, :lol:, so he will continue charging those prices. Just because he can.

Think about it... It's not like they bring a huge stage show, play at super expensive venues, have A-list musicians in their lineup...

Fuck, Maiden has cheaper tickets than that for crying out loud.

The only message a boycott would send to Joey is to never tour the US again.
Not really, but let's be real. People bitching about $75 tickets are people who can't be fucked to go out and see a $10 show. Look at NYC and how miserable attendance is for any band that isn't at their height of Popularity. If Seven Kingdoms came up to NYC with Widow and A Sound of Thunder, what do you think the turn out would be if tickets were 5$? 30? Maybe? I think it's fucking ridiculous that Manowar is getting flack for selling tickets at a price people would pay and making money on a tour.

The difference there is, that in the grand scheme of all things Metal, nobody knows who the fuck Seven Kingdoms or ASoT or Widow is. The turnout has less to do with the price, and more to do with their visibility. EVERYONE knows who Manowar is. Blah blah blah, anecdotal evidence etc, but within 24 hours of the Atlanta date being I announced, I saw no less than 10 people I know, who all go to shows regularly, even some higher priced ones, say they would have gone, but certainly not for $75. I can think of dozens, maybe hundreds, of bands I would drop $30 for, and not even think about it at $75. It's not ridiculous to give a band who constantly preaches about the fans and about the METAL and about all that flack when they do things that are in direct contradiction of that. It's hypocritical. I can see the Rolling Stones or Van Halen for cheaper than I can see Manowar and that's straight up stupid.

Sorry for the rant, intoxicated.
I wonder how long Manowar will play. If they go over 2 hours, that could make a difference to me. I personally think $75 is outrageous but I really want to see them. A longer set could help my decision.
Gotcha. I honestly think if the fans decided to boycott a Manowar tour due to the obscene prices they charge, it would send a nice message to Mr. MoneyHungryDeMayo.

But it seems that their fans adore getting his balls rubbed all over their faces, :lol:, so he will continue charging those prices. Just because he can.

Think about it... It's not like they bring a huge stage show, play at super expensive venues, have A-list musicians in their lineup...

Fuck, Maiden has cheaper tickets than that for crying out loud.

Last time I saw Maiden ticket prices were $150+ - $30-ish, but they're selling 10x as many tickets as Manowar would hope to. I'm not justifying their price, but Maiden doesn't sell ALL their tickets for $35 either. This is how the bands make their money because lord knows it's not in album sales for most of them.

Me... I would pay $75 if they were playing Orlando or Tampa because it would probably be the LAST time I'd get to see them live. I've seen them once in Florida since the 80s.

It is what you make of it.

It's pretty much a lock that Maiden will come near your town every few years until they hang it up, you can't say that about a lot of bands.
No.. you could be in the general vicinity of where these bands are currently playing and if your lucky, you'll have an unobstructed view of the screen you'll be looking at that's broadcasting those little dots on stage you're listening to for that price.

I wonder, if The Rolling Stones put on a limited tour at 1500 person venues, how much tickets would be.
I wonder how long Manowar will play. If they go over 2 hours, that could make a difference to me. I personally think $75 is outrageous but I really want to see them. A longer set could help my decision.

I'd say it's almost guaranteed they'll play at least 2 hours. They're doing all of "Kings of Metal" as well as a best of set; it would be hard for them not to.
Then maybe they should quit doing it...

Doing what? Performing? Why would they quit doing it? Their shows seem to be self-sufficient. They've got fans willing to pay that much, so there's no reason to not put on the best show they've got.

What I'm saying is, all that money probably isn't going toward a rock-star lifestyle. None of these guys live in mansions. They don't even pay to have their stuff recorded by professionals. All that money is probably going toward the shows themselves, with maybe a bit leftover to pay themselves for being out of work during the tour.