I disagree.......me and a friend were thinking about going, we liked their 1st few cds back in the day, but once we heard they were looking for $75/ticket decided against it.
Remind me to look you up next year....
As Jason said, Manowar is a unique beast. Their fan base is exceptionally loyal. When I saw them in Boston, they asked the crowd how many people were from Massachusetts... about 30% cheered. They asked how many were from out of state... about 50% cheered. They asked how many were from out of the country... about 20% cheered. Most bands would have no reason to even ask that question, much less get such a diversified response.
Gotcha. I honestly think if the fans decided to boycott a Manowar tour due to the obscene prices they charge, it would send a nice message to Mr. MoneyHungryDeMayo.
But it seems that their fans adore getting his balls rubbed all over their faces,, so he will continue charging those prices. Just because he can.
Think about it... It's not like they bring a huge stage show, play at super expensive venues, have A-list musicians in their lineup...
Fuck, Maiden has cheaper tickets than that for crying out loud.
The only message a boycott would send to Joey is to never tour the US again.
AR: Joey! I've got this band that's opened for U.D.O., Saxon and Fates Warning this year.
You've already established you're not going to any of the shows, so I am going to have to try for another band; not Halcyon Way.
They are slotted exclusively based on your concert attendance/interest.![]()
Not really, but let's be real. People bitching about $75 tickets are people who can't be fucked to go out and see a $10 show. Look at NYC and how miserable attendance is for any band that isn't at their height of Popularity. If Seven Kingdoms came up to NYC with Widow and A Sound of Thunder, what do you think the turn out would be if tickets were 5$? 30? Maybe? I think it's fucking ridiculous that Manowar is getting flack for selling tickets at a price people would pay and making money on a tour.
I can see the Rolling Stones or Van Halen for cheaper than I can see Manowar and that's straight up stupid.
Gotcha. I honestly think if the fans decided to boycott a Manowar tour due to the obscene prices they charge, it would send a nice message to Mr. MoneyHungryDeMayo.
But it seems that their fans adore getting his balls rubbed all over their faces,, so he will continue charging those prices. Just because he can.
Think about it... It's not like they bring a huge stage show, play at super expensive venues, have A-list musicians in their lineup...
Fuck, Maiden has cheaper tickets than that for crying out loud.
No.. you could be in the general vicinity of where these bands are currently playing and if your lucky, you'll have an unobstructed view of the screen you'll be looking at that's broadcasting those little dots on stage you're listening to for that price.
I wonder, if The Rolling Stones put on a limited tour at 1500 person venues, how much tickets would be.
I wonder how long Manowar will play. If they go over 2 hours, that could make a difference to me. I personally think $75 is outrageous but I really want to see them. A longer set could help my decision.
Are we all taking into account the fact that Joey DeMaio lives with his parents and the other members work side jobs? Add to the fact that they do a lot of their own mixing/recording (BAD IDEA IS BAD), I think they're really trying to pinch pennies..
Then maybe they should quit doing it...