Manowar U.S. tour dates

I've seen that Joey DeMaio article before. Its author seems to think that house is some sort of barometer of Manowar's success. However, I don't think it's any such thing. If Manowar does nine shows in the states, at $75 a pop, and draws an average of 1,000 people, that's $675K right there. That doesn't even come close to what they make at European festivals, merchandising, and let's not forget, DeMaio likely owns the bulk of the publishing. I seriously doubt he's hurting for money.
Are we all taking into account the fact that Joey DeMaio lives with his parents and the other members work side jobs? Add to the fact that they do a lot of their own mixing/recording (BAD IDEA IS BAD), I think they're really trying to pinch pennies..

In the past, postings about Machine Head and Rob Flynn's Disease (RFD for short) got us an insane number of page views, mostly from angry fans. Our posts also initiated heated, angry diatribes in Machine Head boards. Let's see what this post does to Manowar fans. I can't wait.

I lol'd.

But seriously, you know what the best part of him bunking with mom and dad is?

Me either. I'm just hoping someone can fill me in.
I've seen that Joey DeMaio article before. Its author seems to think that house is some sort of barometer of Manowar's success. However, I don't think it's any such thing. If Manowar does nine shows in the states, at $75 a pop, and draws an average of 1,000 people, that's $675K right there. That doesn't even come close to what they make at European festivals, merchandising, and let's not forget, DeMaio likely owns the bulk of the publishing. I seriously doubt he's hurting for money.

This. I doubt he's hurting for money. He might be a bit of a moocher though. Then again it's good to see a money-making musician not overspend.
I've seen that Joey DeMaio article before. Its author seems to think that house is some sort of barometer of Manowar's success. However, I don't think it's any such thing. If Manowar does nine shows in the states, at $75 a pop, and draws an average of 1,000 people, that's $675K right there. That doesn't even come close to what they make at European festivals, merchandising, and let's not forget, DeMaio likely owns the bulk of the publishing. I seriously doubt he's hurting for money.

Joey and Manowar are horrible with money though, so I wouldn't be surprised if he burns through a cool mil hiring techs, production, running his office (I've heard personally he has an office in Germany that does a lot of his personal accounting, day to day stuff, booking, etc) before it gets down the actual members. One of the most infamous public anecdotes about Manowar dates back to their last Nuclear Blast full length - where the band's record topped the German charts and was one of the label's highest-selling records at the time - so the band demanded an outrageous sum for the next option and the label refused to pick it up.
Not really, but let's be real. People bitching about $75 tickets are people who can't be fucked to go out and see a $10 show. Look at NYC and how miserable attendance is for any band that isn't at their height of Popularity. If Seven Kingdoms came up to NYC with Widow and A Sound of Thunder, what do you think the turn out would be if tickets were 5$? 30? Maybe? I think it's fucking ridiculous that Manowar is getting flack for selling tickets at a price people would pay and making money on a tour.

Supply and demand is a two way street. If the demand isn't there, the price isn't justifiable dude.
The last tour with HolyHell, and Rhapsody drew ~200 in Atlanta. At $75 they'll probably draw less.
I'd say it's almost guaranteed they'll play at least 2 hours. They're doing all of "Kings of Metal" as well as a best of set; it would be hard for them not to.

LOL Kings of Metal? You've got to be kidding. Thats a good enough reason for me NOT to see them. Heck, you couldn't PAY me to see them if thats what they'll be playing.
There are some good tracks on "Kings of Metal" to be sure, but about half of the CD is pure filler. They lost me completely with the "Pleasure Slave" track, and after hearing that I felt like a tool for purchasing it. I agree their earlier albums were much better. More recently, "[ame=""]Gods of War Live[/ame]" and [ame=""]"Hell on Stage Live"[/ame] are also well worth picking up.
Axl's Guns n Roses played HOB Dallas in 2012 at $135 a pop and drew about 1500.. I don't know how Manowar can top, say, 300... Not in Dallas, anyway.

This place sucks as far as non-mainstream metal fans go - 'core shows sell out, but Sabaton draws ~150 for $13, Overkill and Kreator about 400 at $25 a ticket. Even bands like Maiden sell 15,000, but the crowds are so dead.

But Bon Jovi sells out arenas at $100+.. (Sigh)
Joey and Manowar are horrible with money though, so I wouldn't be surprised if he burns through a cool mil hiring techs, production, running his office (I've heard personally he has an office in Germany that does a lot of his personal accounting, day to day stuff, booking, etc) before it gets down the actual members. One of the most infamous public anecdotes about Manowar dates back to their last Nuclear Blast full length - where the band's record topped the German charts and was one of the label's highest-selling records at the time - so the band demanded an outrageous sum for the next option and the label refused to pick it up.
This wouldn't surprise me at all. I suspect Joey's ego is both a blessing and a curse.
For the most part, I don't think ANY album needs to be re-recorded.
Dreaming Neon Black. The music on that album is second to none, but the production is the worst I've ever heard. But to you your point, Manowar shouldn't be re-recording anything thing at this stage in their career, without Scott, and with Eric's voice at one third its former glory.
Got my ticket today. Made a trip to the box office today to buy tickets for Manowar and Transatlantic to avoid the outragious AXS ticket fees, which are even worse than Ticketmaster's fees. I don't miind giving my money to the bands near as much as I mind giving it to ticket sellers.