Manowar U.S. tour dates

Could be.....or it also could be that the metal crowd sucks in the States. Manowar doesn't seem to have a hard time drawing an audience in other parts of the world, regardless of whether they suck or not.

Madonna, Britney Spears and Lady Gaga don;t have a problem drawing an audience either....are you saying they don;t suck???:erk:
Madonna, Britney Spears and Lady Gaga don;t have a problem drawing an audience either....are you saying they don;t suck???:erk:

Whether they suck or not doesn't matter.... they don't have a problem drawing an audience IN THE STATES, while metal bands like Helloween, Manowar, Primal Fear and any number of other "big" metal bands can't draw crap. That's why I was drawn to Progpower in the first was just about the ONLY way to see bands that I like perform live because there was no way these bands could tour on their own here in the US. I guess I could back off the "metal crowd sucks" type of stuff, though...most of the metal fans who follow the music are pretty loyal and will try their best to attend shows (when they're not nit-picking bands! :heh:)....the problem is there just aren't enough of "us".
Just got out of the Chicago show. They were absolutely incredible. What shocked me most is how great Eric Adams is live. I also am impressed they were able to move locations so quick.

It honestly could have been one of the best concerts I've been to, but they just didn't play long. For $75 tickets, 75 minutes is WAY too short. It was sold out though.
Apparently, they moved the show to Logan Square, which is a smaller venue, and they ended up turning away over 200 ticketholders due to being overcapacity. Quite a few unhappy people on their facebook page that bought tickets way in advance, traveled across the country, waited outside for hours in the snow, and then denied admission due to them reaching capacity before they get to the door. Manowar also said they will play another show in Chicago on November 15.
Just got out of the Chicago show. They were absolutely incredible. What shocked me most is how great Eric Adams is live. I also am impressed they were able to move locations so quick.

It honestly could have been one of the best concerts I've been to, but they just didn't play long. For $75 tickets, 75 minutes is WAY too short. It was sold out though.

Only 75 minutes?!? That's BS! Was there any opening band? What was the setlist?
Apparently, they moved the show to Logan Square, which is a smaller venue, and they ended up turning away over 200 ticketholders due to being overcapacity. Quite a few unhappy people on their facebook page that bought tickets way in advance, traveled across the country, waited outside for hours in the snow, and then denied admission due to them reaching capacity before they get to the door. Manowar also said they will play another show in Chicago on November 15.

Damn! I didn't know they actually turned away ticket holders. When I finally entered it was basically packed, so I'm lucky. It is shitty but I can't fault the band on that. They had to scramble to find a venue they could actually play day of.

I am disappointed they only played that long, but I can't knock their performance. Hopefully when they come back they play longer.

Joey's rant actually wasn't that long this time and it was actually funny in a ridiculous way. "I won't fuck you because your boyfriend is a brother of metal."
Joey's rant actually wasn't that long this time and it was actually funny in a ridiculous way. "I won't fuck you because your boyfriend is a brother of metal."

Well... that might be the reason he won't fuck her. Or it could be because she has no idea who he is, only came because her boyfriend dragged her there, and likely wouldn't have any interest in fucking a 60 year old man with dyed-jet-black-hair.
I'm surprised to see 'The Dawn of Battle' there, especially with such a short setlist.

Agreed. I'm wondering considering how long it took them to get the equipment in and set everything up and possible curfew, if that's why the set was cut short. They did go on an hour later than they were initially.
I've been on this forum for 12 years. Every now and then I think I've seen every single possible comment of yours that makes no sense. Then you surprise the living hell out of me. :lol:

1. Dream Theater plays much bigger venues, for a much bigger audience.
2. Dream Theater plays a show that's warranted $70. Hell, the entire production of a DT show warrants higher ticket prices.
3. Dream Theater has a solid career and has managed to stay relevant to the style ever since their inception. To say Manowar is going downhill for many years now, is an understatement.
4. Manowar has toured at least 3 times in the US since I've been living here (2000). Whether or not they did full US tours, I am not sure... but I remember going to see Rhapsody of Fire open for them in 2005, I believe (and immediately leaving the venue after RoF's set).
5. The most obvious of all of them. Dream Theater doesn't suck. :)

Your points are mostly based on bias. Not making much of a case aside from point #1

It's supply and demand. Chicago proved that the cost was indeed justified.