ah ill copy them for you alright, any chance of a lickle bit of turkish delight thrown into the deal?
yeah, but it won't be complete unless there is katatonia in therepagan2002 said:thats an impressive list of bands there don. good stuff.
Don Corleone said:lol you know i could find them on the net if i looked really hard. hehe
discouraged1 said:butbutbut rem??![]()
discouraged1 said:yeah, but it won't be complete unless there is katatonia in there![]()
cheerz for leonard cohen and miles davis.. butbutbut rem??![]()
EvilOpiate said:if i wanna laugh at a musician, i will rather listen to Celine Dion, christ almighty on a kebab stick! Did i just say that.?????
breaklose said:nothing wrong with celine dion, shes a much better singer than that one from lacuna coil or that other one from nightwish with the square skull.
i dunno.. rem is ok, and a good band, good players, but... too many 'good' and nothing 'excellent', you know? thay have a couple of outstanding songs, but that's all.. many songs sound pretty much like each other to me.Don Corleone said:and what is wrong with rem? they are the best mate hehe
that was one of the funniest facts i've ever heard in my life. spot on matebreaklose said:that other one from nightwish with the square skull.
discouraged1 said:i dunno.. rem is ok, and a good band, good players, but... too many 'good' and nothing 'excellent', you know? thay have a couple of outstanding songs, but that's all.. many songs sound pretty much like each other to me.