Manticora sales...

This band is funny for me. I heard about them due to last years progpower. However, I missed their set. After reading an interview I felt I had to check them out. Thus I did, and bought Hyperion. I've listened to all of their albums since, including most recently 8 deadly sins, which I picked up at the Nightmare booth this year. An impressive album.

So I listened to the latest today while driving (hard to listen to CDs for the first time while driving home in Atlanta traffic.. quite distracting, but its also a solid hour or so that I get to listen to full CDs). I was bloody well impressed. This album has some much thought put into it... It might be my favorite album from them yet. There is a lot of variation on this album, in instrumental and vocal styles. More than their other albums at least. And for a band that loves concept albums, this one stands out with each song being solid on its own. It can be listened to seperately (possibly with removing the 'intro story' types of things for a couple) from the album and still be good. The more I listen to this album, I think the more I'll enjoy. Looking forward to the sequel already.
Okay, so tell me... is Freakshow a terribly creepy song? Aren't the lyrics just saddening? I can't believe how this album was created. Such impressive foresight to be able to sit around, strumming a guitar and think, "Hey, guys, I've got these ideas..." Far too ambitious for me to grasp.

I'd also like to know if the violin parts are on keys or if they had a violinist come in to record those parts. Such awesome stuff.

My ONLY complaint... and this is minor really in the big picture of it all... is the "sound" of the album. Through their career, my favorite mix has to be Hyperion. The way their guitars are soooo damned rumbling-deep. It's like they perfected the ...And Justice For All hum and used it to get so deep. But it doesn't sound bad! Not like a band who didn't EQ the disc well and it just farts out your speakers when you play it. Hyperion's sound has such an awesome blend. The bass guitar is vicious, the bass drums are so deep and strong yet clear and tight when Mads is going 700 bpm, and the guitars have that really really low end. It's like, when they're playing lower, it's sooooo low, and as soon as they come up higher in range their tone becomes very sharp, clear, precise and perfectly matched for harmonies and twin parts.

I dunno what kind of magic the guys captured on Hyperion, but I wonder what it was, if they can even reproduce that sound. Or does the band care to recapture that sound? Do they prefer the sound they now have from 8 Deadly Sins and Black Circus?

BAH who cares I'm gonna go conquer my shop's cd player and BLAST Danish metal at their damned heads!
Bryan.. that song so is creepy. Especially because they make the words... sound pretty. Like its a soft song full of loving emotion.. yet its so disturbing.

Anybody else think that the drums on this album are incredible? And I rarely note drums. But damn they sound good.

Oh and the opening to the CD.. should be their opening to every live show. Except. Unlike some bands. They shouldn't play it pre-recorded. He should get out there on stage and do it (the music could be played off a disc, but if he sings and speaks it... it will get the audience into the set immediately, only to be released with saddening eyes that its over).
I've only listened to it a few times, but so far I'd rank it below the last two albums. I'm trying to reserver judgement until I've had more time with the disc though. Concept albums are OK but this one seems a bit too "talky" for me, and as someone else noted the production quality doesn't seem that great. I haven't listened to it on my good system yet but the CD seems a bit "thin" sounding. I always find it extremely annoying when the cymbals seem to be the loudest/most prominent instrument.