
Metal 99

Sep 15, 2006
Hey the guys from manticora seem like nice guys they have a myspace page anyone who has one here give them a shout, they messaged me about coming to the states and how people think only 20 people are going to be at their shows, I think a whole lot more will be there if people support them on the Circus Maximus tour, their cd's are good they kinda new to me but getting into them pretty heavily now, along with Circus Maximus, Manticora, Pagan's Mind, Volbeat..We have some great bands from across the pond we need to hear more of and progpower has turned me on to alot of them, Don't get me wrong progbands are good From here too, Rush, Dream Theater opened the door for me, old Queensryche, Redemption. But there are so many bands out there that need support so i hope the show with Circus Maximus and Manticora does real well..Rock on!!:headbang:
Periods are your friend. :D

Just teasin'. I have not heard Manticora but I do love Circus Maximus. I will check them out!
I love Manticora, they're one of a shrinking number of power metal bands I still really enjoy. If anyone is looking to check them out I would highly recommend Hyperion and 8 Deadly Sins, their two most recent albums are great as well. :headbang:
If I attended a stop on the tour, Manticora would be my main reason. Oddly enough despite preferring prog over power, I'm not a big fan of CM.
the guys from manticora seem like nice guys

some of the nicest guys I've ever met. They were all very cool people at PPVI.

Can't wait for this tour. After PPVI, I honestly never thought I'd have the chance to see Manticora again (unless they came back to PP or I went overseas), let alone see them doing a US tour!

Periods are your friend. :D

Try telling that to a woman, heh heh.

Manticora kicks ass. I got into them with their first album, Roots of Eternity, but I agree that Hyperion and 8 Deadly Sins are the ones to listen to if you're new to them. The unique voice of Lars is refreshingly different, and he doesn't feel the need to growl with the voice like that. Fun guys too.
Uh oh. Not a Pain of Salvation fan OR a Manticora fan?! Are you TRYING to get me to not like you?? :Smug:
I'm trying... just failing miserably.:loco:

I heart Manticora ;)
By the way, after hearing you berate the guy (who grabbed your ass) for 10 minutes, till he broke down and cried, "Wholesome" isn't the first word that comes to mind. How about Evil Annie?

Meh, it was nothing important, just something about how strongly you feel that the song "Hollaback Girl" was far more critical to the evolution of your musical tastes than the whole of "Rage for Order" or "Shout at the Devil" ever could've hoped to be.
I'm trying... just failing miserably.:loco:


By the way, after hearing you berate the guy (who grabbed your ass) for 10 minutes, till he broke down and cried, "Wholesome" isn't the first word that comes to mind. How about Evil Annie?


I gave that tool a warning....I had forgotten all about that, thanks for the reminder :Smug: I saved that guys life that night - I could have unleashed the guy behind the bar!! So please, evil?! Me?! :saint:

Now seriously though, when it comes to Manticora you should definitely give it another shot. Or just like them cause I said so :loco: