Manticora - The Black Circus pt.1 Letters


Chef Metal
Jun 4, 2002
The Metal Kitchen
So when I got home from progpower I found a package on the table from Denmark, I opened it up and it was the new Manticora! as some of you know I am a huge Mantifanboy the evidence is tatooed to my arm, so I open it up and pop the disc in and prepare to get my ass kicked! The boys did not disapoint! there are a few slow numbers that set the dark atmosphere and the rest is Power/Thrash fury! I wasnt sure if they would be able to top 8 Deadly Sins as it was a total asskicker but they did! I Highly recomend this album to anybody who likes good Power Metal that actually puts the POWER back into the genre ... and as a side note about 3/4 of the way down the thank you list in the back of th booklet you will find JonnyD's name in the list :kickass: go pick it up! it is definately in my top 10 for the year!
Sweeeeeeet!! too bad they couldn't have timed the release for PPVII but oh well, I'll have to pick it up online. Great to see your name in a booklet, huh? I know I was like :OMG: On Godspeed seeing our names there made me feel all soft and warm ' cuddly :oops:
JD, you're going to kill me, but so far it just ain't clickin' with me. I don't know what it is either. I'm going to have to put it away for a while and try it again in a coupla weeks.

That's too freakin' cool you got in the booklet. :kickass: Rightfully so and well earned! :headbang:
kittybeast said:
Sweeeeeeet!! too bad they couldn't have timed the release for PPVII but oh well, I'll have to pick it up online. Great to see your name in a booklet, huh? I know I was like :OMG: On Godspeed seeing our names there made me feel all soft and warm ' cuddly :oops:

:loco: Actually the US release date was Aug. 28th they had it at Progpower but it sold out Fast! but yeah do pick it up! its excellent!

Yeah I did the Happy Chefs Dance when I saw my name in there, its nice to be recognised when you make efforts to help promote a band ... Hell I did the same thing when I opened up Godspeed and saw Pablas and your name in there! :headbang:
Wheezer said:
JD, you're going to kill me, but so far it just ain't clickin' with me. I don't know what it is either. I'm going to have to put it away for a while and try it again in a coupla weeks.

That's too freakin' cool you got in the booklet. :kickass: Rightfully so and well earned! :headbang:

Ok Fucker! come PPUSA VIII I am going to hang you from the rafters of the Centerstage! :loco: J/K hehehe

I personally love it, I put it in and before I know it its already done, be sure to give it another chance I think its right up there with everything else they have done!

P.s. Warmachine kicks ass! thanks dude!
JonnyD said:
Ok Fucker! come PPUSA VIII I am going to hang you from the rafters of the Centerstage! :loco: J/K hehehe

I personally love it, I put it in and before I know it its already done, be sure to give it another chance I think its right up there with everything else they have done!

P.s. Warmachine kicks ass! thanks dude!

:lol: :lol: :lol:

You'll have to catch me first! The one problem I have with it is that it tends to slow up a bit or something as it goes on. It starts out great for me but I lose interest a little over halfway through. I'll definitely be spinning it more -- don't worry.

Glad you liked the Warmachine. What about the Machine Men?
Wheezer said:
:lol: :lol: :lol:

You'll have to catch me first! The one problem I have with it is that it tends to slow up a bit or something as it goes on. It starts out great for me but I lose interest a little over halfway through. I'll definitely be spinning it more -- don't worry.

Glad you liked the Warmachine. What about the Machine Men?

Dont worry I can catch ya old man :loco:

I havnt spun Machine Men to much yet only a few times, it hasnt grabbed me yet ... no worries though I will keep trying!