Mapping Guitar Pro midi to SSD Ex in Reaper.


New Metal Member
Mar 7, 2011
Long time follower of this site never really had much to say, I want to first off thank everyone here. You've brought my mixs from complete crap to just kinda crap. You guys have guided my gear purchasing, my techniques, and my influences. And I again I just want to say thank you.

Well usually Google doesnt fail me so hard but tonight i've been searching for about an hour looking for help. Right now i'm sitting on about an albums worth of Guitar Pro files with very detailed drum tracks. I did one song in Reaper and by hand adjusted note placement and it was a pain in the ass.

How do I change how Reaper reads the midi notes? I know it can be done I saw a couple forum posts about it but it lacked the details a n00b like me needs.
Thanks for any help.
I export .midi files from Guitar Pro 5 and import it into Reaper. Inside Reaper I trigger the midi file using SSD Ex however the drum map doesnt trigger properly. For example, midi note 52 in Guitar Pro is a China cymbal but in Reaper its triggering Crash A. I just realized I left out the problem in my post, apologies.
well, I use GP sometimes to program.
honestly, the china thing is one of the few problems that I have. you kinda just have to deal or configure your Kontakt to trigger samples based on different notes.
I lean more towards the "dealing with it" solution right now since I'm too lazy to do that.
if you whip out your SSD pdf manual, it gives instructions on how to switch the midi trigger notes for SDD in the Kontakt Player
You can make a MIDI map to translate the MIDI notes that comes in and what notes should they turn into. It´s pretty easy and you can make it using the JS plugins that comes on Reaper ("JS: IX/Midi_Keymap" is my favourite for this task). Unfortunately, you'll have to do the hard work of comparing the MIDI map from GuitarPro and how it relates to SSD (you can see it on the last pages of the PDF manual) to write the txt file for the plugin.
You can make a MIDI map to translate the MIDI notes that comes in and what notes should they turn into. It´s pretty easy and you can make it using the JS plugins that comes on Reaper ("JS: IX/Midi_Keymap" is my favourite for this task). Unfortunately, you'll have to do the hard work of comparing the MIDI map from GuitarPro and how it relates to SSD (you can see it on the last pages of the PDF manual) to write the txt file for the plugin.

You only have to do this once though, and load the preset each time.

Also, I'm pretty sure in the future you can just make sure you're using the right notes in GP. I don't really know how to explain this, but you should use 40 for snare and not 38, even if its the same sound in GP. 57 for crash, 36 for kick, etc etc. What I'm trying to say is that pretty much all my songs are written in GP and then imported to Reaper/SSD and I've never had wrong notes.
Funny you mention "JS: IX/Midi_Keymap". I tried that, set note in to 52, set note out to 30 changing Guitar Pro China to SSD China. I hit play and it RESETS the note out back to 52. WTF. It seems the only things that are off are my splash and china.
Funny you mention "JS: IX/Midi_Keymap". I tried that, set note in to 52, set note out to 30 changing Guitar Pro China to SSD China. I hit play and it RESETS the note out back to 52. WTF. It seems the only things that are off are my splash and china.

Are you removing all the extra CC data on your midi track when it hits reaper? GuitarPro puts all kinds of crap controllers on the first events.

Doubleclick the item, press alt+3, select the first event, hold shift, click on the last midi event above the first midi NOTE event, delete.