Marbin - Aggressive Hippies


Space Ghost
Aug 31, 2008
Near Raleigh, NC
I saw a band yesterday at a local festival that completely blew me away. The band is Marbin. They play an aggressive and progressive jazz/rock fusion. The band features a red hot guitarist, Dani Rabin :Spin:, who sounds a little like Stevie Ray Vaughan, and an equally red hot saxophonist, Danny Markovitch :Spin:. While they are an instrumental act, guitar and sax trade solos/melodies (plus duets) keeping the music appealing and accessible - not unlike lead vocals and lead guitar of traditional rock. They are about to release a new album Aggressive Hippies, based upon a real and very funny story of the band being forced at gun point by some hippies in Knoxville, TN to go to their commune and jam. Aggressive Hippies comes out in two weeks. Here's a cut off the album: