wow, man, hippies, just wow

jam band fans are up there too.

can we conclude from this that anyone who listens to just one genre of music has serious elitism issues?

edit: no no, that's not fair. The music isn't really a factor, it's more of the grouping oneself with the sociocultural identity that causes the problems.
lizard said:
I've never really noticed country fans being smug and superior. maybe it's because I avoid them.

Maybe because country can be considered a "folk music," in that it identifies with an existing populace, instead of these others that cause people to come into it's fold and conform to it's own identity?
Ah ha, quite so. Also, I would believe that in certain communities of nothing but country listeners that that would be all they have to listen to. Which is why I edited my previous post to note that it's more of a cultural identity elitism, but then this too could apply to these country fans, wearing the leathers and the hats and all that. We should get a gov't grant to do studies of this, to pinpoint these causes of smug superiority.
I think it's just our human nature that drives us to want to feel better/superior than people who are slightly different, Dr. Seuss nailed it with his classic, The, The Sneetches

I mean, Hitler turned the whole "we are better than them" into a complete conflaguration
Very interesting discussion...I'd have to agree that limiting yourself to one genre and elitism only really interact with non-populist music. As for hippies, too many of their ideals (some of which I identify with, especially distrust of authority and rejection of materialism) have been perverted by idiots who just appropriate their ideology as an excuse to smoke tons of weed, or are just new age bores in disguise.
Hey Demonspell: Burroughs was talking about Bush Sr, right?

And what the fuck is "new age?" A dumb term, and most serious thinkers like Ken Wilber, Susan Blackmore, Joseph Campbell and just about every Zen advocate wouldn't want to be thrown into a category famous for scented candles, schwag and thinking that owning some Indian musical instrument in your home are the paths to enlightenment
Dick Sirloin said:
And what the fuck is "new age?" A dumb term, and most serious thinkers like Ken Wilber, Susan Blackmore, Joseph Campbell and just about every Zen advocate wouldn't want to be thrown into a category famous for scented candles, schwag and thinking that owning some Indian musical instrument in your home are the paths to enlightenment
might as well ask who invented heavy metal

Uriah Heep?
Deep Purple?
hahaha oh man my friend whose boss invited him to this shindig apparently spouted off a whole bunch of nonsense conspiracy theories to him at work the next day, including "HIV doesn't cause AIDS--AIDS doesn't exist, it's made up as an excuse to cover for African countries' malnutrition and misappropriation of funds...HIV is just at the scene of the crime, it's actually really difficult to contract and most people get it from their mothers"

he also apparently believes that every 400,000 years something called the "dark redeemer" passes through the solar system and the last time it came it destroyed an advanced civilization on mars and switched the orbits of earth and mars and some people from mars who happened to also be humans came to the earth and interbred with humans here

oh and he buys into the whole freemasons run the world thing, and that his mercury fillings (haha here's an old one) were making him sick and disrupting his energy or some crap

i know quite a few cool hippies, and yet i still hate hippies and this is why
cthulufhtagn said:
he also apparently believes that every 400,000 years something called the "dark redeemer" passes through the solar system and the last time it came it destroyed an advanced civilization on mars and switched the orbits of earth and mars and some people from mars who happened to also be humans came to the earth and interbred with humans here

The nibiru mythos (which I assume this another interpretation of) is actually rather fascinating if you dwelve into it any. Not saying everyone who claims it's coming in the next dozen years are right, but there is scientific evidence of pole shifts in the earth's past. It's just that it's just skewed too much and it makes a joke out of these interesting historical facts.

and that his mercury fillings (haha here's an old one) were making him sick and disrupting his energy or some crap

The mercury containing amalgam fillings can cause health issues. It's not just a new age worry, otherwise there wouldn't be so much legislation to prevent their abuse. Mercury poisoning is pretty serious stuff. Also, everyone should avoid eating farm raised fish.
Chromatose said:
The mercury containnig amalgam fillings can cause health issues. It's not just a new age worry, otherwise there wouldn't be so much legislation to prevent their abuse. Mercury poisoning is pretty serious stuff.
hmm, really? i heard that the whole "silver fillings are poisoning you!" was a ploy to sell more gold fillings or something like that, or just sell more dental procedures for those suckers who went back to get them replaced
cthulufhtagn said:
hmm, really? i heard that the whole "silver fillings are poisoning you!" was a ploy to sell more gold fillings or something like that, or just sell more dental procedures for those suckers who went back to get them replaced

No its true, the mercury would decay and seep into the body causing slow mercury poisoning. Alot of people didnt know what was wrong with them and would just remain sick for long periods of time.
Dick Sirloin said:
And what the fuck is "new age?" A dumb term, and most serious thinkers like Ken Wilber, Susan Blackmore, Joseph Campbell and just about every Zen advocate wouldn't want to be thrown into a category famous for scented candles, schwag and thinking that owning some Indian musical instrument in your home are the paths to enlightenment

Yes, but sadly if you tell somone you are Buddhist or study Zen, their first thought is usually towards New-age trendy type, and not serious practitioner.
Erik said:
hahaha it's not "silver"

jesus mercury is really fucking poisonous and amalgam fillings have been illegal in sweden for decades i think

i dont think anyone gets gold either, we get some sort of plastic compound that looks tooth-like
i'm aware of the difference

maybe i'm confusing mercury fillings and silver fillings? i'm not sure. i know i read somewhere about some hoax involving a type of fillings, which is evidently not mercury. i think we have the plastic ones as well, i probably have several...i can't even recall how many i have exactly :rolleyes: