wow, man, hippies, just wow


Went Out for Smokes 13 Years Ago
Jul 19, 2004
south of washington
so i went to a "solstice gathering" last night, some house way out in the valley (if you lived here you would think "hippies"), which turned out to be some weird commune-type house with a lot of people living in it that my friend heard referred to as an “intentional community” :)lol:)...we figured it would be the kind of hippie party that i'm used to from lewis and clark, i.e. weed cake and kegs of fat tire and hella washed hippies on acid. we get there and the first thing you see when you walk in is a big screen with projections of artsy photos of naked chicks and a bunch of tiki torches, everybody seems relatively young, early-mid 20s, and we snag some free wine and smoke a bowl and are just walking around fucking AMAZED at the hippies, i'm used to a party being like 25% hippies but except for myself and one of my two friends this party was 101% hippies, many dressed up weirdly as hippies are wont to do.

but after a while a lot of middle aged people start filtering in and we realize that these aren't ordinary hippies, they're fucking stupid ass NEW AGE hippies, hippies that do not smoke enough pot, the kind of people that read their horoscope every day and actually *believe it*...we just drank more free wine and sat there slowly getting fucked up and laughing at them. there was a fire pit out back with a whole shitload of people sitting around in a circle and some chick strumming the same 3 chords and repeating the same fucking 4 lines about "feel the universal spirit energy of love" or some new agey crap over and over. even my non-hippie friend, who is normally quite a tolerant guy, was like "dude i'm seriously gonna vomit", I myself nearly shat my pants at the spectacle

then later they got everyone inside the house to crowd around a circle while they did some ridiculous performance art/skit thing ("i am the moon, the embodiment of healing energy") and everyone around was cooing in agreement, we were in fucking hysterics :lol: ….seriously the best people-watching experience I’ve ever had…and the house was so clean!! I’m used to lots of cups/bottles/clothes/limbs lying around by the end of the night but sweet jesus this was like a wedding reception

on the plus side there was lots of wine, a live band that had one or two decent reggae jams, and an extremely amusing Scottish guy we talked to briefly before we left. long story short i now know what conservative people think of when they think of liberals, jeeeezus these people were mindless and really not very cool at all

fuck hippies
Conspicuously Absent said:
haha, those kind suck. I've met some really cool kinda who were just laid back nature lovers who always have pot on them.
oh yeah sure, i know loads of chill hippies, these people were just not them at all haha, just everything annoying about hippies

these people sound like theyre trying to be something that inherintly they can't, like the middle classes trying to 'be down' with the unemployed breadline folk
they just don't get it because they never had to suffer, they never had no food in the house

these just don't get it because they are trying to aspire to charactature

wine rules though...i got some
these people sound like theyre trying to be something that inherintly they can't, like the middle classes trying to 'be down' with the unemployed breadline folk
they just don't get it because they never had to suffer, they never had no food in the house


there were some really annoying "progressive" folk on the train last week, they talked for about four hours about all kinds of crap, as if they had an audience
These are the type of people I was talking about in my Salem MA Hessian thread. Fuck them in their hair cooters, but don't really because you'll get a disease.
Hippies have been gone for nearly 30 years, if not longer.

I like to pretend I keep part of the spirit alive but fer fuck's sake, I'm a faux-wannabe at best.
Dick Sirloin said:
What's the redeeming factor of being a drunken metalhead, then?

That drunken metal heads can come in many shapes and sizes, dirty-hippies have a stupid agenda and stupid beliefs.

Also, you shouldn't have to ask yourself that question!
I'm playing devil's advocate here.

So you're asserting that:
1) Having an "agenda" (buzzword alert) is a bad thing? Feeling strongly about something, getting behind an ideal, is wrong? (Is it lack of individualism you're seeing or just the fact that most hippies are liberal?) Which leads to:
2) What hippie "beliefs" are so stupid? Peace, love, altered consciousness, social and political cynicism, disdain for societal conditioning, flowers n' sunshine, not bathing, Phish, or the fact that most aren't fully integrated into the economic powerhouse on which money-oriented societies thrive?

I hate it when I get long-winded