Marcel Coenen guitarist for Sun Caged


Nov 30, 2004
How many of you out there like marcel. Heres his website, I love his playing, one of my fav. guitarists, I have the suncaged and guitartalk cd. His solo guitar talk cd comes with a vcd that shows him playing all the songs which is awsome. Marcel's the reason why I use a marshall jmp1 preamp now, I loved his sound and he answered a bunch of questions I had on it, I bought one and I love it. is his bands website as well, check out some of his audio and video clips, its really mindblowing :OMG:
bloodbath666 said:
How many of you out there like marcel. Heres his website, I love his playing, one of my fav. guitarists, I have the suncaged and guitartalk cd. His solo guitar talk cd comes with a vcd that shows him playing all the songs which is awsome. Marcel's the reason why I use a marshall jmp1 preamp now, I loved his sound and he answered a bunch of questions I had on it, I bought one and I love it. is his bands website as well, check out some of his audio and video clips, its really mindblowing :OMG:
Hey bloodbath666,
I like his playing a lot!!! He plays the way a shredder should, with technique serving advanced musical ideas, not the opposite. I have seen to many players lately that just wank all over the fret board to prove they can wank all over the fret board!!!
Take care, Chris.
Chris_Broderick said:
Hey bloodbath666,
I like his playing a lot!!! He plays the way a shredder should, with technique serving advanced musical ideas, not the opposite. I have seen to many players lately that just wank all over the fret board to prove they can wank all over the fret board!!!
Take care, Chris.

Yeah that's why my last girl friend dumped me. :loco: